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The ride was over now and we were in the car outside my apartment building
Umm I didn't wanna go but I have to
I enjoyed the whole time with him instead of that Yuna part

I said,' umm ok so I'll go now thanks for the treat it was too good '

With that I was about to open the door and leave suddenly he called me and said , *um wait this is not it *

I didn't understood what he said

Mira - huh? What ?

He was just quite for a moment and was looking at me

Jk - umm I mean we will meet again right?

Mira - oh that... Um I don't know my internship is gonna start from tomorrow and I'll be very busy in that, and you are also a busy person so......

Jk - I'll make time for you

I was taken aback to be honest
No one has ever said that they'll make time for me

I have always done that for people and other than my parents he's the only one saying that

Mira - umm ok then I'll tell you when I'll be free

Jk - great but remember next meal will be on you okay? And I'll eat a lot
He giggled

Mira - yeah yeah eat as much as you want to Mr. Jeon Bunny

Uhh did I said too much ? The nickname is he okay with it? Ohh shit what if he thinks something wrong about it........ No no Mira!!!!! Why do you always have to do something like this ???????

He's quite till now and he's looking at me
Godd I feel like I want to smile but cannot smile Mira don't he'll think that you are interested in him
It's no big deal for him right? Many girls want him he'll not take it seriously

But I don't want him to think that I like him
Yes I don't like him I'm just his friend
But he's so cute
Damn from the day I met him I'm just fighting within myself

It's all because I was never friends with boys in school
Like I always fought with them
That's why
That's why this little male attention is feeling like this to me
Yes Mira this is nothing more than that
Don't think much
Don't overthink

He was starting at me for long now and tbh I was also lost in his eyes I just didn't wanted to look anywhere else but at him

Jk - of course I'll eat a lot and what's bunny Jeon huh? But I like it though

Mira - of course you do I give good names right?

Jk - yeah yeah you do

I said, " ok so I should get going now it's getting late "

Jk - yeah but I wanna say something

JK's pov

I am nervous should I tell her about it?

I don't know what should I do?
But she should know
If I'll not tell her then who else will? I want to tell her I'll tell her yes I'll tell her

Jk - umm actually

I was about to say it to her but suddenly some girl knocked on Mira's window
I wonder who she is

When Mira saw she smiled brightly I think she knows her

Mira - Eunji??
Umm Im sorry Jungkookshi I'll call you later
She's my friend and she might be really surprised by seeing me with you so I need to take care of it. See you soon

Jk - oh ---- ok but -----
Umm forget it ok you go and have fun
Don't forget to call me when you are free

Mira just nodded and went out of the car I wonder if she heard me

Darn it
Was it important for her friend to come right at the moment?
Anyways it was a good day
I'll surely tell her later

Mira's pov

He was about to say something but Eunji is a more important matter to handle rn
Godd the amount of questions she's gonna ask..... I feel like fainting rn


Hii guys this is a short chapter I hope you enjoyed it I'll post another soon
See you later

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