The actual date night

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My pov

It's 4 in the evening and Mira is pretty nervous about her date
After that dream she is feeling scared that what if the dream comes true
What if she gets embarrassed in front of jungkook

Jungkook's pov.

Woah it was a good idea meeting Namjoon hyung today he helped me a lot with the lyrics
Now I have got some good lyrics I guess
It's all thanks to Mira because of her I got these ideas
Wow I am excited about the date
Should I tell her about the song?
Or should I wait till it's finalized and released?

Ahh I don't know I'll see

Now I'll go home I am free now

My pov

Mira and jungkook were having their usual day routines till now

Time skip

Mira's pov.

Hmm I should get ready now
And I need to be careful before opening the door now
I don't want to take any risk

She got up and took a shower she washed her hair and dried them
And did some makeup and straightened her hairs a bit her hairs are naturally straight so she doesn't need to put much effort into it
And then she wore her dress

She looked so pretty and everything about her fit today was flawless

She looked so pretty and everything about her fit today was flawless

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This was her whole outfit

Jungkook's pov

It's almost time I should get going now I don't want to be late and make her wait for me

My pov

Jungkook then left his home and went to pick you up

Time skip

*Ting tong*

Mira heard the door bell
To her it sounded the same as her dream
She got nervous

Mira's pov

The bell sounds so the same why???
Umm I'm such an idiot the bell will sound the same always

But I need to be careful
Why is my heartbeat so fast
No I don't want the dream to be true
I don't want to be embarrassed in front of jungkookshiii

My pov

Mira then went near the door and heard the door bell ringing one more time

Her door doesn't have any peephole to see through the door
She nervously opened the door and hid behind it making the person dumbfounded standing on the door

Mira - who is it
she peeped a little through the Little space she made through the door

Person - Miss chocolate ice cream we are getting late
Stop being scared of me

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