I saw you and it's definitely you

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My pov

Mira is on her way to the Park. She's happy today. She is actually very excited for her little alone date. On her way she saw students roaming around and having fun, some were returning from schools . She liked everything about today.

Mira's pov

Wow today's weather is so good, I love it. Everything about today feels good. I wish Eunji was here too, it would have been more fun.

Ohh look at those cute children fighting for an ice cream awwww they are so cute

I wish I was small too
I miss all those days where I was careless and didn't have any stress or responsibilities.
When I was a kid I always wanted to grow up fast but now that I am grown up I feel like I want to go to that time again.

Ahhhh forget it i'mma enjoy a lot today
I'm not going to think about anything else

My pov

While doing her self talk session Mira saw an ice cream parlor and she went to buy one for herself

Mira's pov

Waah nothing could have made my day better than an ice cream

Staff - Welcome mam what would you like to have ?

umm one chocolate ice cream with lots of choco chips please

Staff - ok just two minutes mam

5 min later

My pov

After buying her ice cream she reached the park and she is roaming around and having fun

Meanwhile our Jungkook

Wow coming to the park was a great idea
It feels so refreshing

The wind is so refreshing today
Today's weather is perfect

Wow that tree it looks so pretty

My pov

They both are roaming around in the park and enjoying the nature

Mira is walking with her ice cream she was busy watching the kids having fun in slides and the birds flying in groups. She was really enjoying the golden hour.

Meanwhile jungkook was thinking about the idea that he wants for his new song

Suddenly he bumped into someone

Mira's POV

Suddenly I got bumped into some hard person maybe his chest is well built up hehehe cool

ICE CREAM????????





Godd who is he????

Jungkook pov

Shitt her ice cream

What should I do?

Her hairs are pretty though

Oh no stop
What are you even thinking
Her ice cream
I feel bad

I should buy her one

But what if she recognises me????

I should try to hide my face well with her
And even if she recognises me I'll give her an autograph and that's it

She'll be happy

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