The morning

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JK's pov

She's in the bathroom I should make a delicious breakfast for us. Yesterday was horrible for her

Mira - ummm actually I need to take a shower

Jk - yes yes go ahead

Mira - yeah but I don't have my clothes here

Jk - ah no worries take mine

Mira - thanks for that

Jk - Don't say that Mirashii they are all yours anyways

Damn why am I so confident these days?
I just keep saying whatever comes to my mind I should try to control it

After listening that she blushed a little and went inside with tiny footsteps
God how adorable she is

Time skip

Her fit um his fit which she wore 😗

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Her fit um his fit which she wore 😗

Mira - woah these are big but so comfy
I'll leave after breakfast I have stuff to do bruh
Thank God it's sunday today
But I'm kinda having fun hehe

She came outside after drying her hairs
Woah she looks so small in my clothes, she's indeed very adorable god  what's this weird feeling in my heart

Jk - ah you came, see I have made breakfast for us. I made french toasts, omlette and banana milk. You can have eggs right?

Mira - yes I can these look delicious let's eat I'm so hungry

Jk - someone is in good mood huh...... Let's eat

They now started eating and jungkook was looking for something to watch

Mira - just play some music

Jk - ah I thought you might not like it

Mira- why? Do you think only singers like music all the time? I can listen to songs all the time all day all night

Jk - ahh me too that's great then
What should I play?

Mira - anything I know you have a great taste in music

Jk - ahh absolutely

*Plays Ditto by newjeans*

Mira(while eating) - umm I wuv this song

Jungkook giggled
Jk - me too

Jk - How's the breakfast? You like it?

Mira - yeah I do, after so long I'm having a proper breakfast lol. Before I used to run late so I just grab a bread or something and eat on my way. But this is so good

Jk - you should eat properly. You need to grow up well

Mira - what? I'm already grown up

Jk - for real? Haha you are still shorter than me

Mira made a annoyed look and stared at him

Mira - so what? I'm smarter than you

Jk - yes yes ok ok let's agree with you lol

Mira - yaahh don't make fun of me

Jk - haha shortie shortie

Mira - ahhhh stop it

Jk - Eat more you need to grow up
(With a teasing facial expression plastered on his face)

Mira - jungkookshi stop it or else--

Jk - or else? Else what? What will you do?
He moved forward towards her

Mira - I, I'll

Jk - you will what?
He said in a low voice
Tell me you will what?
(Dangerously close to her face)

Mira - I'll --------
Suddenly Mira passed a naughty smile and ruffled Jungkook's hair and pushed him from his chest and ran away

Jungkook was left dumbfounded
He stayed still for a few seconds and looked towards her

Jk - you are so childish for this you know?

Mira - so what? You started first

Jungkook made so done face and smiled at her
While she was standing far away from him

Jk - you think I can't catch you in my own house?

Mira - you can? I don't think so haha

Jk - just wait see Miss chocolate ice cream
Jungkook doesn't know how to lose

Mira - I don't know how to lose either

Jungkook - you will today

Both were having that competitive look on their face along with that playful smirk

They both are such a tease

Jungkook stoop up and ran towards her but Mira ran for her life
She was so focused on running away from him that She was jumping sofas and being a naughty kid infront him but jungkook was no less

Finally she was running but she was caught in the room and had no way to escape him
She turned around and saw jungkook being all out of breath and panting hard while she herself was out of breath.

Mira - ok ok I'm sorry it was my fault I shouldn't have messed up your hairs

Jk - no--- no sorries now

Jungkook slowly moved towards her while Mira was moving backwards as there was no way to run now
Suddenly her back touched the wall behind her and jungkook caged her between his arms

Jk - you enjoy to tease me don't you?

Mira - hehe I'm sorry I was just having fun with you

Jk - umm hmm I see now I'll have some fun with you

Mira was unable to maintain an eye contact with him while he was panting and staring at her

He slowly moved his face closer and closer while Mira felt all types of butterflies in her stomach and her heart was crazy inside her chest

Mira - Jungkookshiiii I-----

Jk- shhhh don't say anything

He moved closer, more close, more close and

He ruffled her hair and ran away

Mira was left stunned because of course she didn't expected this

Mira - you----- huhhhh how can you???????

Jk - Haha you think you are brat here

Jk - Haha you think you are brat here

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I'm late I know but here I'm again
I hope you like it stay tuned for another parts

See you

Byeolbitsonyeo01 ✨💗

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