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Ahhhh why did I even say yes to him for a horror movie
Ahh Mira you know that you cannot watch it
Ahh what will I do now?

Mira was now making coffee while jungkook was busy in selecting the scariest movie of the season

JK's pov

Well I need to find a very scary movie
But I cannot scare her that much I won't like to see her like that
But Jungkook you will be with her right?
So there's nothing to worry about
Hehe 😈
I've got a perfect plan haha

Umm which one which one?

evil dead rise?
The exorcist?
Nah it will be too much
The medium?
Well I have never watched it too but I have heard it's good
Ok so let's go with it

As soon as I turn back to ask if the coffee is ready or not I saw her working in my kitchen while wearing my clothes
Damn I seriously love this sight so much
Why do I feel like I'm falling for her more and more ?

Ahh she's so cute
That pout on her face while working
That undone messy half wet hairs of her
She's so beautiful

Mira's pov

Ahh where are the cups?
Where will I pour the coffee now?
Jungkook I should ask him

As I looked in his direction
I saw him already looking at me
Damn why is he smiling like that?
Oh god I got hundreds of butterflies inside me
He looks so cute btw
Is he that much in love with me?

Or is he planning something evil against me? Did he find the scariest movie ever?
Ahh now what will I do?
I seriously don't like watching horrors I am afraid of such movies
I'll find cups myself nevermind

After 2 min

The coffee is done now I have to go to the living area
Ok Mira you can do it
Yes you can

I went up to him with coffees cups in my hand
He saw me and took those cups from my hands and gestured me to sit beside him
He looks so good with hairs down though
Urgh stop thinking like that Mira you are in danger rn

So I settled beside him and we shared the same blanket that he gave me

He handed me the hot ramyeon bowl
They look so delicious

I was about to eat when he said
Jk - ok so I selected The medium movie for us tonight you are afraid right?

Mira - nah I'm not afraid haha

I'm hella afraid who's gonna tell him that

So the movie started and I was eating my ramyeon peacefully and tbh they were so tasty
Even though they were the one's I usually used to make at home too but these one taste differently

After 10 min

As I was eating my hot noodles peacefully suddenly the ghost appeared on the screen and I jumped out of fear as jungkook held my ramen bowl to not make it fall allover us

Only I know how embarrassed I am rn urgh god please open this mother land earth so that I can hide inside it

JK's pov

Woah I didn't knew she would react like this
Ahh it's kinda fun to tease her lol

Jk - are you alright? You said you weren't scared

Mira - yeah I'm fine actually I was not ready for the ghost to show up this soon

Jk - it's ok here take it

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