The ineffective mess

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My pov (I'm the author so....... Hehe)

After making a full-fledged plan made by Yuna and Aera they move forward to destroy Mira's self designed dress.

They held the ink pot in their head and started to move towards Mira's desk. Yuna had a smirk plastered on her face and Aera was also smiling weirdly (tbh she looked like a crazy person lol)

They were walking and walking towards her

Mira's pov

My dress is almost done just the final touch ups are left now
Wait a minute........
Is that Yuna and Aera yeah it's them
Duh they look so crazy with that expression
But wait they are looking at me and are shifting to my

To my dress
God here these bitches go again

My pov

Ahhh hmm did you think Mira is a little innocent shy scared girl nah nah she's quite the opposite
A sassy intelligent savage cool beautiful strong independent girl . She fights for herself and she's not afraid of anything as long as she's correct and not at fault. She's pretty cool isn't she ?
Well she is just insecure about herself a little she doesn't thinks of herself as a very pretty girls but she is atleast for him she will the prettiest girl ever. ( Oh god angel baby played rn is this a sign? Well well let's move forward my pretty readers )

Mira's pov

She's definitely on something
I think my dress is in danger I have to do something. I cannot let these bitches destroy my work. Like duhh!!!!

My pov

As Yuna and Aera are coming close Mira hurriedly went towards Yuna's counter and took Yuna's mannequin on which her dress was hung and coincidentally Eunji was recording everything (These girls are smart I have to say though). As Yuna was about to pretend a fake fall Mira changed her mannequin to Yuna's .

One of the girl screamed from behind Mira your dress........
She stopped

Wait Yuna's dress god

Guess what ?

Yuna's dress was now destroyed and all blue with dirty patches

Yuna was shocked
She never thought that Mira would do this

Yuna's pov

What the Hell..........
Did this just happened to me ??????


How could this low key______??????

My pov

Aera's jaw was now touching the floor

A smirk can be seen on Mira's face
Damn the girl is proud on herself indeed

She's so cool

Yuna turned around and saw Mira who was smirking at her like see what I did you freaky bitch

Yuna's face was red and her blood was boiling in her vains

She raised her hand to slap Mira but suddenly teacher came shouting from behind

Teacher - What the hell is going on here???

Yuna was too stunned to speak so Aera took the chance to make teacher talk in their favour

Aera - Miss Look, look at Yuna's dress Mira destroyed it. She did it all. She's jealous of Yuna

Teacher - well I see the dress but the ink pot can be seen in Yuna's hand isn't?

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