Part 2

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Yn is not very excited to meet her dad as he has always been strict with her, and she is very scared of him. However, she is excited to meet her mom as she has always shown her love and never scolded her or acted cold like her husband. This doesn't mean that her dad doesn't like her; he just wants her to be perfect. Unfortunately, their flights have been delayed, and they will arrive tomorrow.

The Maknae line, including Yn, are in school with the Kim teachers today. However, as the Kim teachers have some work to do in school, the Maknaes will be taking the bus. They are not the type to be quiet and well-behaved on the bus; they are likely to cause some trouble along the way.

V- let's go or we will miss the school bus it leaves early

Yn-  Dashi RUN RUN RUN~~~~~~

Jimin- Her and those  7 men *scoffs*

Yn- Shut up you shortie

Jimin was interrupted between 

Jk- let's eat some ice cream !!!

V- no what if Hobi Hyung knows he will kill us

Yn- He  WILL kill us

Jk- it's okay we will tell them that the bus got late, y'all have your pocket money, right?

Jimin- I mean yeah but .....

Jk- no buts hyung we will go

So they went to the nearest ice cream shop and ate 5 scoops of ice cream spending all their pocket money now they are walking home as the bus left 



Hobi- hey!.......... why are you late?

They widened their eyes as soon as hobi opened the door

V was about to speak but...........

V- Hyun--

Jimin- Oh Hyung the bus was a little late today 

Hobi- Oh! ok (very suspicious)

Then the Maknae line; Yn ate their lunch and ran off to their room btw they reached home at 2:30 pm their school closes at 1:30 


Yn- op-- *COUGHS* op-pa- Th- at I w-an-t

Jin- Baby here (hands her glass of water which was beside him) are you ok?

Yn- yes oppa,  I wanted to ask when is Eomma going to come?

Jin - Baby they will come now tell me why were you coughing suddenly?

Yn- Oppa  I ate ic-

Tae comes from behind and closes her and at that right moment Hobi is present in the room listening to what Yn was going to say

Tae- Oh nothing Hyung it must be some normal cold or cough ( nervously laughs)

Now hobs's  curiosity grows even more

 Hoseok- Let her speak remove your hand from her mouth she has a mouth she can also speak 

They removed the hand and they both ran but now even Jin knew something wrong so Hobi asked all 4 youngsters to come into the living room 

Hoseok- Why were you late today? (cold tone)

Maknae line; Yn- The bus got late Hyung/Oppa (says in a very scared tone )

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