Part 14

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"Your author didn't upload on the 16th. She was having fun that day, and a few days before, too. Please forgive her. 😀 I have locked my doors. I hope you all don't come into my house to kill me. 😳"


As she finished her lunch she went back into her room she was scared as fuck as the tutor will be there any minute

After a few minutes, she heard a knock on her door


She opened the door in fear, A tall man in a black suit with a scary-looking face came in

???-So you must be Yn, Am I right? (Cold emotionless voice)

Yn-Ye-s (gulps hard)

???-I'll introduce myself So I am Kim Mingyu (not From SVT ok I just needed a name) your tutor from now on I don't like to tolerate any mistakes if you make any just keep in mind that I'll be punishing you without any second thoughts and call me sir from now on got it? (Cold voice)

Yn-Go-t it sir (scared)

Mng-So sit down at the table and bring your maths book I'll take a test and tell me your portion on how many chapters you have

Yn-Yes sir  *she brings her maths book hands it to him and tells him the portion*

Mng-Ok so revise them till I prepare your test and I want everything right or else.........

Yn nods their head in fear and then she starts revising and solving some of the formulas given after an hour he was done writing the question for the test

Mng-Done Now hand me the book

(I am too lazy to write a cold voice over him so just accept him saying in a cold tone every time 😀)

Yn-Sir 5 more minutes please *he snatched the book away from her with a glare*  Sorry sir *she said immediately*

Mng- here's the test solve this in 2 hours your time starts now

She starts solving the test and finishes it just in time

Mng- Give me the test

She hands him the test and he starts checking it The test was 100 marks so she got 70

Mng-What is this *he says in an angry tone and grabs her ear and twists it hard*

Yn-Ahh sir please it hurts *teary eyes*

Mng- What do you mean it hurts it huh? *Twists her ears even harder* You got a 70 out of 100. Where are the 30 marks gone?

Yn- Sorry sir *crying silently*

Mng-What do you mean by sorry kneel and solve it again i want full marks or you'll see how hard I'll slap you (warns her)

He then leaves her poor ear it was red like a Tomato

She kneels in the corner and starts solving the paper immediately and in 1 and a half hours she completes it quickly and hands it to Mingyu, he checks the paper and slaps her instant

Yn-S-ir what happened *she held her right cheek as it started burning her cheek still hadn't recovered from the slaps her father gave her*

Mng-  you got 95 out of 100 where the hell are the 5 marks gone huh!? *He gets angry and slaps her left cheek hard causing her to lose her balance a bit*

Yn- I-I am gonna tell Appa  *she cries*

Mng-No use he only told me to be that's strict and also if you make any ruckus which I didn't like you'll be sent to boarding school he has told me that   (He tells her a lie Mingyu has a deep secret which nobody knows this will be revealed very later)

Yn- H- he'll never do that *she says in utter shock*

Mng-What if I tell you he will?

Tears start rolling down her cheeks

Mng-stop crying already there's no use I want you to write this paper 2 more times show this to me tomorrow when I come (he says this and leaves the house)

She sat on her bed, hugged a pillow, and started crying. It was 5:30 and she checked her clock. After crying for a while, she realized she had homework to do, both hers and her bullies'. She got up and sat at her study table, but when she looked at the mirror, she saw that her right ear and cheeks were red. She sighed and started doing her homework, first hers and then her bullies'. She finished it quickly and still had some time before dinner, so she decided to scroll through her phone. However, she realized that it had been restricted for two months.

Yn-Ahh whyyyyyyyyyy I don't have any entertainment now *she whined to herself* I don't even like reading books *she pouted*

But soon she got tired and frustrated she looked at the time she still had 30 minutes till dinner so she thought to go down and maybe try to have a talk with her brothers so she went downstairs

Yn-I am getting bored let's go downstairs and apologize to them I miss their talks and hugs *she said with teary eyes*

She went downstairs immediately but the scene shocked her and broke her her brothers and her parents were watching a movie cuddling each other up and smiling, talking, and giggling she looked at them with her hurtful eyes no one noticed her presence they were all having a family time, tears rolled down her cheeks she went up to her room immediately and started crying

Yn-They didn't even bother to call me down there do they hate me now? *She asked herself if she felt hurt by that it hurt her a lot she cried for a while and soon she heard her mom yell saying that dinner was ready so she wiped her tears washed her face made herself presentable and went downstairs*

Soon she sat in her place There was dead silence in the dining hall she found it overwhelming she felt like she was the problem of their silence so she started eating her dinner a bit faster she finished it washed her plate and went upstairs immediately


Yn- I guess I really am the problem they were having fun when I wasn't there with them *teary-eyed* I will work hard and prove to them I will get back the relationship I had with them before

She felt hurt she changed her clothes and plopped herself on the bed crying herself to sleep she slept after a while but...........

In the middle of the night, she woke up breathing heavily with tears streaming down her cheeks she had a crazy nightmare in that nightmare she saw her father slapping her continuously and punching her her lips were bleeding heavily due to that day gave her trauma like literal trauma

She woke up she had a panic attack her breath was uneven she looked around her room and picked up the glass of water and drank it with shaky hands she took few breaths in and out and calmed down but she couldn't sleep at all.....

Y'all I wrote this in 2 hours I am proud of myself but anyway have a good day or night bye bye

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