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As soon as everyone was done with the dinner Mr.Kim dragged Vmin harshly to the living room

Vmin- Appaaahh(whined)

Vmin had a red mark on their wrist due to Mr.Kim and the rest of them were following them in curiosity

Mr.Kim- Yoongi, Namjoon tell me what these kids did. (cold tone)

Namgi- They bunked their class (obeyed due to fear)

Everyone was in shock and before anyone could process anything but in the next second Mr.Kim said--

Mr.Kim- Go to sleep now I will look after them, even you honey, maids will wash the dishes and you Yoongi I am forgiving you this time but don't lie to me again. (cold)

Everyone went to their room to sleep but the other 2 kids were worried for their big brothers so they stayed up


Mr.Kim drags the two kids into the basement and unbuckles his belt while the kids are shivering in complete fear

Mr.Kim- *slashes the belt on the ground* what were you doing after the lunch break? ( anger and cold tone)

Vmin now started crying silently (the basement was soundproof and every time Mr.Kim speaks I aint gonna add a cold voice as he will be speaking like that and cuz I am hella LAZY)

Vmin- A-p-p-a w-e bun-

Mr.Kim- STOP STUTTERING FOR GODS FUCKING SAKE!!!!! ( switches his belt to and cane and starts hitting it on their body with no sign of mercy)

Vmin-APPA PLEASE WE ARE SORR-Ah!!! (Mr. Kim hits it on both of their thighs which makes them fall and start sobbing very loudly in immense pain)

Mr.Kim- STOP SOBBING OR IT WILL BE WORSTS THAN THIS (starts beating them even mercilessly)  

*HIT* *HIT* *HIT* *HIT* *HIT*.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



Knock knock

Jk- Come in!

Yn enters the room

Yn- Oppa (low voice)

Jk- Yes Yn-shi what happened (caresses her hair)

Yn- Oppa uh th-at i-s Tae and Chimmy oppa ok? cuz I heard Chimmy oppa sc-ream..........

Jk- WHAT!!! (runs down in a living room with Yn)

They both come down to see no one but only loud cries

Jk- The sound is coming from...........

Yn- OPPA! the basement

They both go near the basement door and hear Vmin's pleadings.........

Jk- Yn come with me to Jin hyungs room (terrified tone)

They both knock on the door but Jin doesn't open it due to slumber as it is midnight

Jk- *KNOCKS the door even harder*

Jin- What happened to you brats go and sleep before I span-

Jk/Yn- Hyung/Oppa that Tae and Chi- 

Love Overloaded With A Pinch Of Strictness (Plot Twists)Where stories live. Discover now