Part 18

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Soon after arriving home, she felt utterly exhausted. She fumbled with her keys, unlocked the door of the Kim house, and made a beeline for her room, clutching her abdomen. A deep, guttural sob escaped her as she changed into more comfortable clothes. Wracked with pain from her cramps, she curled up into a ball, tears streaming down her face. Desperate for relief, she rifled through her bathroom cabinets until she found a painkiller, which she quickly swallowed. A knock at the door startled her as she lay on her bed, trying to find respite. Opening it, she was surprised to see her tutor standing there.

Mng-Come sit let's start *he said coldly* (Bro he'll always speak coldly so I'm not gonna add it as usual)

Yn-Yes sir *she said in a cracked voice but he cares less*

Mingyu started teaching her, but she had no focus on what he was teaching her she was squirming in her chair in pain and he had enough of it


Mng-Focus on the lesson you idiot! *he shouted at her*

After 30 minutes or so Hanuel was on the verge of tears her cramps were killing the fuck out of her he had enough of her crap and made her stand in front of him and took a cane hitting her stomach painfully meanwhile Hanuel was crying in pain

Yn-Si-r pl-ease I am so-rry *she sobbed in pain*

Mng-Do you think I am an idiot to waste my time to teach you while you don't pay attention at all like a stupid idiot *he scolded her harshly making Yn flinch and cry more in pain*
I swear if this happens again I'll break your bones in 2 halves

Yn felt tears stream down her face as she nodded while trying her best to concentrate on the lesson. After what felt like an eternity, he finally left after 2 long hours.

Yn wearily glanced at the mirror, lifting her t-shirt slightly, and noticed her stomach was marked with bruises. Overwhelmed with pain, she collapsed onto the bed, curled up in a ball, and sobbed uncontrollably.

Throughout the entire day, Yn continued to cry and cry from the pain, yet no one seemed to notice or check up on her. She cried until she couldn't anymore, her head throbbing from the emotional and physical strain. She attempted to find some motivation, but nothing seemed to work—absolutely nothing.

She wanted to be in at least one of her brother's embraces. She longed for love and affection, but one mistake caused a lot of problems in her life. She wanted to go to her brothers and apologize sincerely, but their coldness made her stomach churn and made her uneasy. Their lack of emotion never brought her to them to apologize.

"The tears rolled down her cheeks as she longed for someone to care. It was like no one even noticed her pain"

"The silence in the room was crushing. She wondered if anyone would ever understand how hard it was for her."

"It felt like the whole world was against her. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had hugged her or said something nice."

"She felt like a broken toy, discarded and forgotten by the people who were supposed to love her."

"Her heart ached with the weight of the loneliness that pressed down on her chest like a heavy blanket."

"Her chest tightened with the effort of holding back the flood of tears that rushed up her throat."

"She felt like a shattered glass doll, glued back together with the fragile hope that someone would still want her."

"The tears flowed like a river, each drop a reflection of the pain that swirled inside her."

"Her soul felt like a broken compass, spinning in circles, searching for a direction to go."

"Her body was shaking violently as if all of her emotions were trying to escape at once."

"Her mind was a hurricane of negative thoughts, swirling and tearing at her already fragile sense of self."

"She felt like she was drowning in a sea of sadness, with no end in sight."

"Her heart felt like a broken porcelain doll, shattered beyond repair."

"All she wanted was someone to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay, but she knew that wasn't going to happen."

(Don't ask me where I got these lines from  :P)

She didn't emerge from her room for the entire remainder of the day, and the rest of the household members were at home at that time, except for Hobi and Jin. The only issue was that she hadn't eaten anything yet, although the other four thought she had already eaten her lunch. She was feeling famished, and at night, the maids called her for dinner. She initially wanted to decline, but then she asked them to bring the food into her room so that she could eat there. The seven of them were concerned about her, so they inquired with the maid. She explained that the reason for her seclusion was that she got her period and was not feeling well enough to leave her bed.

They sure were concerned about her but they remembered their Father's crap to NOT care about her or else she'll be in a worse place............... 
(Your Author ain't letting her live in peace😏)

She enjoyed her dinner alone in the tranquility of her room, her mind swirling with troubling thoughts that gnawed at her well-being. Slowly finishing her meal, she placed the now empty dish outside her door before sinking into the comfort of her bed, where she became consumed by her overactive mind, her eyes fixed on the details of the ceiling above, lost in a labyrinth of relentless overthinking.


The whole day at her school went well until it was time to go home yn was walking up to her bus she was in the school Hallways


Yn turned back and saw Hyein and Hanni 
Suddenly she was shoved into a corner both the monkeys started beating her up by punching or kicking her and Yn was begging them to stop but Hanni took the matter way too far and kicked her hard on her lower abdomen causing pain even more pain in her period cramps Yn was sobbing in pain until................................................................

???-YN!! MOVE THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!! *??? shouted at the girls*

HAHAHA, it's a cliffhanger 😁
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Suffer yall~~~

Try to guess who THAT person is, I'll give you all a hint 
HINT:-  THAT person is sassy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hehe bye bye POOKIES~~~~

Have a great day/night 💜💜


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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