Part 13

491 27 3

After the punishment

Jk-Yn tomorrow you'll be going by bus until Appa tells you to come with us (cold)

Yn-Oh ok (she got hurt)

JK then leaves the room

Yn pov

Why why whyyyyyyy so I have to go by bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cries* do they hate me now? No no Yn don't think like that they might be acting cold towards me just for a week but let's see tomorrow morning*sigh*

Yn was crying a lot because her ass was bruised

Next Morning

Yn came down to see everyone having their breakfast

Yn-Good morning (low voice)

Everyone-Good morning(cold)

Yn had her breakfast and she was waiting for the bus the rest of the 5 went to school

Soon the bus came she sat near the window getting all sad as none of her friends were on the bus she was alone on it soon she reached the school she was excited to meet her best friend after many days and vent about her life and get some comfort but.......




Yn-Hyeinie look here I am sorry okay? I got expelled from the school for a week please I am sorry (sad)

Hy-*she looks at her and rolls her eyes and walks away with someone new*

Yn-*sigh* wow, I guess I'll be alone today

Yn comes and sits at her usual desk but she hisses in pain due to her butt getting spanked for straight one week, her partner was Hyein but unfortunately, Hyein sat with someone else, and by surprise, it was Hanni Yn just looked at her with betrayed eyes as well as teary.

Yn-Take a deep breath Yn *takes a few deep breathes to prevent herself from crying in front of the class*


Students-Good Morning Sir 

Mr.Kim(Yoongi)-Good Morning students *smiles* Sit down now 

Mr.Kim-Kim Yn, have you completed your notes from the past week? *cold*

Yn-Yes sir

Mr.Kim-Come sit on the first bench *cold* Kang Cheol please sit on her bench from now onwards *normal voice*

Kang-Ok sir

Yn comes and sits on the first bench she is trying hard to focus but she can't do it she is thinking about Hyien and her betrayal and on top she is tense thinking about her new tutor who will come today to teach her but...

Mr.Kim-YN! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU LOST? FIRST YOU GET EXPELLED OUT NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN FOCUS YOU ARE LEFT BEHIND THE PORTION YOU HAVE TO STUDY! KIM YN! *shouts at her* (Yoongi in reality will never do that but it is an FF anything can happen)

Yn-*flinches* Sorry sir I didn't mean to *head hung low*

Mr.Kim-I am sparing you for now if this happens one more time You'll taste my cane then *cold*

Then he continues teaching and Yn starts focusing after 20 minutes the class is over, and just like that the lunch break comes everyone exits the class and only Yn is left alone

Yn-Who am I supposed to sit with *sad* Guess alone It is *sad smile*

She comes into the cafeteria with her lunch and sits alone but she feels cold water rushing through her hair she turns back to find Hanni, Hyein, and her group doing this  

Yn- What's wrong with you?

Hni-Nothing *kicks her*

Yn-*groans in pain but sends a slap right on her face hard*

The cafeteria didn't have her three brothers at that time as 8th and 9th were doing their classes while Jungkook was on the ground playing Football

Hy-*Slaps her* Bitch behave in front of her you whore 

Yn was shocked by her BFF (biggest fakest friend) behaving like this with her she just stayed quiet

Hni-That's more like it meets us after school I know you go by bus now so don't make up excuses for it bitch? *slaps her one more time*

The whole cafeteria was minding their business as Hanni became a complete bully she even bullied higher classes too (unbelievable)

Yn just accepted her fate she was in no mood to fight back 


Students-Good Morning Sir 

Mr.Kim(Namjoon)-Good morning sit down everybody 

Mr.Kim-Students I will be calling you all one by one to solve some equations that were taught a week before this revision and if you are not able to solve it you'll be punished *warning* So Chan please come up and solve it *smiles*

Just like that half a class was done solving it a few students weren't able to solve it so they were kneeling down

Mr.Kim-Yn come solve it *cold*

YN-Yes sir *she took the chalk and started solving but she forgot the sum in the middle and skipped a step which caused her answer to be wrong

Mr.Kim-This is the wrong answer go kneel *cold*

Yn-Sorry *kneels down the whole period*

Mr.Kim-Ok so you all have done it right. And I hope you all have paid attention to it *looks at the students who are kneeling* Now go home and practice it understood?

Students-Yes sir Thank you


Hni-Oh Bitch come here

Yn-What do you want 

Hy-Take, This is our homework you have to complete it and give it to us tomorrow or else.......

Yn-Or else what!

Hy-Your dirtiest secrets will be revealed and if you dare to tell anyone about us then your whole life will be ruined *whispers in  her ear*

Yn eyes widen in shock after all Hyein was her best friend since childhood she would know her secrets so Hyein blackmailed her into completing her homework

Yn-You can't do that! Please *she was heartbroken but pleaded them not to*

Hy-Oh! Yes I will, complete it and give it to us by tomorrow you whore *slaps her*

Yn nods  her head in defeat she then takes the paper and keeps it in her bag sits on the bus and comes home


Mrs.Kim-Come in *cold voice*

She steps into the house keeps her things in her room and changes she then comes down for lunch she sits at the dining table as the others join Lunch is very awkward as no one is speaking 

Mr.Kim-Yn your new tutor will come today at 3 o clock so be ready and he is very strict stricter than me (cold voice)

Yn-Ye-s A-ppa (scared for her life)

Hello! Just a heads up that Arthour is currently dealing with depression and has exams coming up. Her finals are scheduled from 27th March to 7th April. Please be considerate and don't stress her out any further. Arthur will try her best to upload an update soon, but in the meantime, let's all send her positive vibes. Thank you!

Bye bye, love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜

I'll upload on the 16th of March as it's your Arthurs birthday 🎉 on that day

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