Part 7

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Yn-hmm That means oppa you are using cheat codes am I right? (Angy af)

The-Y-y-n yes

Jimin-Tae you know this is bad, right?

Tae-Yes hyung (low)

Jimin-You deserve punishment, right?

Tae-I am ready hyungie

Jimin-Over my lap


Tae-Hyung sorry enough!!! (sobbing)

Chim-Done bear done shhh stop crying sh

Chim then comforts Tae and the matter is solved Yn was mad but she thought not to be as it is just a game after all. 



Mr.Kim-Yes baby (picks her up)

Yn-Can we go to the Amusement park?

Mr.Kim-Sure baby why not tell others to go get the dress

Yn-Yay who thank you Appa (kisses his cheeks)

Then she told others to get dressed and then they went to the Amusement park and had fun all day alone and it is night time rn (sorry the brain of An is not working as she is currently working on further chap)

Mrs.Kim-Baby you enjoyed it?

Yn-Yeshhhhh mumma!!!!

Mr.Kim-Good now go get dressed you are sleeping with us today ok?

Yn-Yeshh Appa!

Then she changes into her night dress and comes into their room.......

Yn-Eomma! (sleeps in between both of them)

Then both of them hugged Yn side to side and she eventually slept but they both didn't they were talking about something

Mrs.Kim-Jagiyaa I miss her a lot (teary eyes)

Mr.Kim-Me too I am guilty I shouldn't have punished her this bad I am sorry (tears falling)

Mrs.Kim-Its ok She deserved it but she took it as abuse we could do nothing but we are still looking for her please have hope! (sad)

Mr.Kim-I know honey our team will try their best(low voice)

Mrs.Kim-But let keep the sadness aside look how Yn is looking like a cute baby (squishes her cheeks)

Mr.Kim-Yeah (kisses her cheeks)

Then they both sleep



Hobi-Hey! Don't you guys notice how Yn face is?


Mr.Kim-What do you mean hoba?

Hobi-"What I mean is, if you take a closer look, her teeth are just like JK's, and her smile resembles Tae's. When she smiles, her eyes squint just like Jimin's, and she has a similar nose to Rm's. Her lips are like mine, eyebrows like Yoon Hyung's, and eyes like Jinnie Hyung's."

Mrs.Kim-Thats true after all she is beautiful

Yn just smiles shyly while everyone is looking at her 

Joon-Ok now everyone eats fast kids we have to go to school 

Maknae line-Nae!!!!

The kids finish their breakfast and head off to school



An announcement is made by the principal 

Attention all students, this is your principal speaking. As you are aware, we have our unit tests scheduled in two weeks. I want to wish you all the best of luck in your studies and hope that you perform well in the exams, making our country proud. I urge you all to study hard and not take any undue pressure due to the competition from other schools. Remember to focus on your studies and do your best. Once again, good luck to all of you. Thank you.



Yoongs-Kids you heard what the principal said today right?

Maknae line- Yess we did

Joon-"We want all of you to study hard. Unfortunately, due to some extra work, we won't be able to conduct any classes this time. Therefore, we urge you to only come to us if you have any doubts. We understand that it may seem unconventional, but we will clear your doubts nevertheless. We aim to assess how attentive you are during class. Is that clear?"

Maknae line- Yess hyung/oppa!



I know small chap but please bear with it I know it is bad but this chap is also important I just wrote it now within an hour so please bear with it and have a good day/night!

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