Part 10

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Hehe, I know it's been a while! Hehe sorry let's get back to the chapter
I changed the title and cover of the book......hehe

One day before the result day

???- Babe!!! I missed you sooo much!!

Yn- Yeonjunie!!!!(aggressive hug)

Jun-Ahh leave me I can't breathe

Yn-where da fuck were you?

(An-Dis is cringe I know)

Jun-Aish I was in my hometown

Yn-you didn't even tell me *pout*

Jun-There was no internet there *squishes her cheeks*

Yn-Yeah Yeah!

Choi Yeonjun in Yn boyfriend (An-MY delulu ass)


Da next Day

Hobi-Yn-shi Come down for breakfast!

Then Yn came down in the kitchen she was tense as it was a medical checkup day and on top of it was her result day she always had bunked those checkups as Hobi wasn't
the one who did this in the past 2 years but now he is. And of her result, she is fucked up She even got a dream that she failed this grade........

Everyone had left the house


Nurse-Kim Yn please be ready!

Yn-Hyein!! I am scared!!!!


Yn-Its Hobi oppa who is checking dis year!!!


Yn-I am fucked as hell!!

Nurse-Kim Yn please come in

Yn-Yes miss

Hyein-Best of luck!

Yn then entered the room being scared as hell

Hoseok-Kim Yn you may take a seat


Hoseok-Miss Minji would you please bring Kim Yn's past 2 years of Medical checkup report

Minji-Sure Doc

Then Miss Minji went to her classroom to find those files but came empty-handed which Hoseok got confused

Hoseok-Miss Minji what happened?

Minji-Her files are not there

Hoseok-Yn You had the last 2 checkups right? (cold tone)

Yn-Ye-s W-hy what happened?

Hoseok-Wait till we get home

Yn was terrified she will get her ass beaten once again


The Kim siblings went to the principal office for their results (special treatment)

Mr.Hwang-Sir here's the result of Kim Jimin he is good at studies he can easily top any exams

Jin-*passes a small smile while checking the result*Good job Jimmie*pats his head*

Jimmie-Thanks hyung*shy shy shy*

Mr.Hwang- Here's the result of Kim Taehyung, He is very good at studies but he needs to improve his handwriting a bit

Jin-*pats Tae the head in a loving manner*

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