Chapter Thirty-Three

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"I'm your personal Guard... under your mothers strict instructions."


This chapter will me in third person pov.

Al Haitham was speechless, "i have a personal guard?" .

All Al Haitham had all over his face was confusion, Faris just stood there letting him think it through on his own. Not only was Al Haitham confused but so was everyone else, The other three were just super, what's the word? Done. They were done with just everything. They were done and tired.

Candace looked over at Faris and asked "You got beds down here?"

"I do" he replied.

"Good. Show me the way?"

"Of course" Faris started to walk down the long hallway, and Candace followed after him. Before they got to far down the hallway Candace looked back and gave Dehya an "are you coming look" and Dehya ran after them, leaving Cyno and Al Haitham by themselves.

"You ok Al Haitham?"


"Why do you sound unsure?"

"Well you cant really blame me.."

"Yah.. but lets go find our own beds and stuff to, maybe since we aren't captured anymore you'll be able to send out that letter."

Al Haitham gave Cyno a surprised look, and it made Cyno almost laugh "What? do you think we didn't notice you writing it and then keeping it SUPER safe?"

"Didn't know you paid so much attention to me.."

"I don't. Your just not that good at hiding how much you miss him and what not"

"Why are you even talking when i know you're ALSO are missing someone?"

"Who said i wasn't? Do you know how hard it is trying not to think about him?"

"I know.."

"Anyway lets go find that Faris guy, I need some water, i think I'm already Dehya-drated..."

Al Haitham just starred at Cyno with an annoyed face.


"Its not funny Cyno." Al Haitham then started to walk away from him.

"Oh What? Come on its a little funny"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

After the for of them were all showed their rooms, they all were giving a tore of the tunnels, and it was very easy to say that these tunnels were like a maze... a very big maze.

"Faris sir?" Dehya asked

"Yes and pls, just call me Faris."

"Oh alright, Faris? How big do these tunnels spam out under ground?"

"Hmm good question my dear, let me think... You remember how big the palaces under ground primacies were right? Well about three times the size of that."

".... I'm sorry... What?"

Dehya's and everyone else faces all looked the same, they all had the same expression on it, 'What the Fuc-'

"But don't worry, where we are staying it much smaller than that. These Underground tunnels are just very large and confusing so that animals, and or people that enter get don't know where all the important stuff is."


"Don't worry you kids will get the hang of it eventually." Faris said with a very warm smile, only after being with this guy for a little while the four of them already trusted him a lot. It wasn't that the four of them were naive, its just that he had this way about him that made him very easy to trust, even after all four of them thought he was going to kill them all from some sort of sink hole. 

After he showed them around, he made them a meal. This was there first proper meal since they got kidnapped, Faris could tell they were hungry but none of them asked for food, just water, but Faris knew so he made them food, he even made a little bit extra just incase they all wanted more than one bowl.

As they all ate Faris couldn't help but excuse himself, the truth is that Al Haitham looks exactly like his mother... and every time Faris looked at Al Haitham all he could see was his mother... it just became to much, so he left for a little while. The others were confused but they all didn't question it to much.

As Faris walk through the hallways of the underground tunnels all he could think of was his little sister. He often would think of what she would do if she was still around, and how she would of been the most amazing mother, not only was she a gorgeous woman on the outside but she was one on the inside to. I mean it made sense, she was a Gem after all, and she was one of the brightest. 


I'm excited for you guys to get to know him more, and i hoping you all love him as much as i do❤️

Also sorry for not uploading, I'm tryingggg 😖

Anyway i hope you all liked this chapter, and i hope it was worth the wait.

The next update will hope fully be this coming Wednesday the 11th but if i cant make it ill post an authors note.


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