Chapter Twenty-one

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                                            (Kaveh's POV)

"...I'll come back for you, just wait for me.."

After Al Haitham said that he walked away, right out the door. I was to stunned to move, and once I could move again Al Haitham and the other were already gone...

"how the hell did they leave so fast".  As soon as I regained myself I ran. I thought maybe if I ran fast enough I would be able to catch up to him... but I wasn't fast enough...

If I'm being honest with myself I don't even know why I tried to run after him. And even if I did magically catch up to him I don't even know what I would have to say... what he said to me shook me to my core, when he said those thing to me it felt like electricity was running through me, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

"UGH!.... Dang it Al Haitham... what are you doing to me?.."

"Why does my face.. no, why does my whole body feel hot?.. I don't know what's going on.. why am I like this?.."

"Um Kaveh?"

I hear someone call my name, i slowly look behind me and i see Tighnari. "great... he saw me like this..".

"What are you doing? Does your stomach hurt? why are you crouching like that?".

"Huh?" I look down to see that I'm crouching close to the ground, I didn't realize I was crouching.. I stood up. Embarrassed I look over at Tighnari.

"Um how long were you there for?" I ask as normal as possible but my embarrassment takes over mid sentence and I started to cringe at myself, making my voice sound weird.

"... long enough"

"..." "Oh...kill me now..". I find myself signing as I walk over to him, once I get over to him I thing he started to notice something was off with me.

He didn't say anything he just looked at me, he was reading me. then all of a sudden he said "Have you finally realized?".

"What?..", "Realized what?"

".. I guess you haven't, never mind"

"..Ok.." I had no idea what He was talking about, but oh well..

"Did you get to speak with Al Haitham?"

"I did.."

"Thats good"

"What about you? Did you get to speak to Cyno?"

"I did.." 

After Tighnari said that I could tell he was sad, I mean I couldn't really blame him. Tighnari wont be able to see him for... we don't even know how long, but to simplify it.. a long time..

I don't like seeing him sad, "Hey, do you wanna go back to the palace with me and eat all the deserts we can find?"

After i said this his face lightened up a little bit and he smiled, "Is that even a question".

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

                                       (Al Haitham's POV)

"...I'll come back for you, just wait for me.."

After I said that I walked away, I didn't even turn around to see him one last time... I didn't want him, or anyone to see how red my face was...

"...why did I do that?.. but the look on his face was so worth it.."

Once I left the room we were in I headed straight for the others, luckily I got there pretty quickly and in the time walking over, I calmed down a bit. Tighnari was standing by them, talking to Cyno. I feel a bit guilty for taking him with me but I wouldn't feel comfortable unless Cyno came with, ill never say that out loud though, Cyno doesn't need to feel like he's better than me.

"You all ready?"

I nod at Dehya, then I look over at Cyno, he understands what the look means and he stops his and Tighnari's conversation. I see him start to lean in and I look away to give them some privacy... the girls on the other hand...

"Ohhh, get it lover boy." Dehya says, typical Dehya.

Cyno and Tighnari finish saying good bye, and he comes over to the rest of us. "You ready?" i ask, and he nods.

Luckily Her Majesty gifted us horses to use until we get closer to the dessert, there should be a guard post out there so they should take the horses from us, and then the rest of the journey through the dessert will have to be on foot.

We all get upon our horses, and once the gates were fully opened for us, we set off...

To be honest I thought I wouldn't be so anxious, but I am. I'm leaving my home I have know my whole life to go explore the place where I originated form, im about to go explore and learn all about the history of My kingdom....

...This will take some getting use to.. 

Welp there we are.. he has officially set off and IM SO SORRY!!! I know I said I would upload days ago but I didn't.....

well anywayyy I hope this was fulfilling and ill see you guys in the next chapter I love you my flowers🌸😊

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