Chapter 1: the accident

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"Hey Natsu, do you want to go on a mission?" Lucy asked, with a smile. 
"Sure, let me just get the rest of the team and Lisanna," Natsu said and went to gather everyone else. Lucy was surprised after all, since Lisanna had come back only Laxus, Gajeel, Patherlily, Juvia, Evergreen, Bixlow and Freed were the only guild members to talk to her or even look at her even Master Makarov didn't look at her anymore. Instead everyone else just ignored that she existed. 
"How about this one? All we have to do is find a rare flower in a cave and bring it back to the mayor" Lisanna suggested with a beaming smile. 
"Sure" smiled Erza and they went to the train station and boarded it. Getting on the train Lucy realised that Happy wasn't here, then again she did remember him saying something about going fishing today. 

When they got off the train they went to see the mayor before going to the cave the flower was said to be in. They all spread out and Lucy saw the flower, it was a beautiful rainbow flower with four petals and green leafs.
"Hey guys it's over here" Lucy yelled with a smile. 
"Over here guys I found it" Lisanna said, cutting Lucy off. This made Natsu, Gray and Erza race over making Lucy frown after all they didn't react when she called out. As soon as they picked the plant up and put it in a pot the cave started to shake. 
"What the hell did you do Lucy?" Natsu shouted, glaring at the blonde girl. 
"I didn't do anything," Lucy said, defensively. 
"Forget her, we have to get out of here"  Gray said as they all started to run towards the exit. When they were running everyone got out but Lucy tripped on a loose rock. 
"Everyone is here and we have the flower, let's go" Lisanna and they left while Lucy was crushed under the rocks that fell on her making her pass out. 

When Lucy woke up all she could feel was pain all over her body. But the only thought that she had was that she had to get out from under the rocks.
"Loke" called Lucy weakling as she tried to move her left hand only to see it pinned under a giant boulder. Loke was her only chance since she couldn't reach her keys to summon any other spirit.
"LUCY!" Loke yelled as he appeared in a golden glow.
"Loke," She whispered her vision blurring but she was determined not to pass out again.
"Just hold on, I'll get you out of this I promise" Loke swore before moving towards the rocks. Ripping off his suit jacket without a care he began to try and move the rocks off Lucy. Unfortunately by himself he couldn't move the larger rocks.
"Loke go and please, you can't...can't" Lucy tried as she looked at him, blood running down from her left eye where a cut was going over it. 
"Very well, I will be back with help soon princess I promise" Loke said as he ran off to find someone to help and Lucy watched him go before she passed out again, not being able to fight the pain. 

"Just get her out!" yelled a familiar voice as Lucy woke up with a grimace.
"Loke," Lucy whispered as she saw her orange hair friend was back and with help as well. Rogue Cheney and Sting Eucliffe, the twin dragons of Sabertooth.
"Don't worry Lucy-san we will have you out soon" Rouge tried to reassure her.
"Wah, is Fairy-san going to be okay?" Frosch called out tears in their eyes.
"Don't worry I'm sure she will be fine" Lector tried to reassure the other exceed, even when he looked just as worried.
"Calm down you two, it's okay" Sting said, patting their heads before getting ready to help move the rocks.
"Hime" a woman yelled as she raced over towards them. 
"Who are you?" Sting asked as he got into a defensive position ready to defend them since Rogue was standing in front of Lucy as a second defense.. 
"I am Celesta the celestial dragon, I am aware that you hold no trust in me but please, let me help her" the woman pleaded.
"Very well but make one wrong move and I'll kill you" Sting warned. He wasn't sure what to make of her claiming to be a dragon but right now they had to worry about Lucy.
"Thank you" Celesta said before she turned into a literal dragon and held the rocks up away from Lucy giving Sting and Rouge the chance to get Lucy out of the way. 
"Quickly we have to get her to Grandeeny, I am sure that you have questions but right now we have to get her healed," said Celesta as grabbed all three humans and two exceeds before teleported to the dragon realm. 

"Grandeeney" Celesta yelled as she laid Lucy on the grass and a white haired woman ran out looking curious until she saw Lucy. Seeing the damage done to the celestial mage the white haired woman dropped to her knees and started to heal her. 
"I'm sure you are curious so I should explain. Layla-hime, Lucy's mother was the dragon queen but when she died ten years ago the dragons had to leave earth and come back here until Lucy-hime was ready to take the throne which is now." said Celesta and Rogue and Sting nodded. They had always known that there was something different about Lucy but to think she was the next Dragon Queen. Looking at each other they seemed to communicate with looks and no words.
"Please let us stay here and train with her and help her adjust" Sting and Rouge said while the exceeds stayed quiet in their arms. 
"What is this? A three way mating that's new" Celesta smirked and the two boys started to blush. 
"No it's um it's just well um" Rouge stuttered and Celesta's smirk grew. 
"She is our mate but we haven't marked her or anything but we know we can sense it, have been able to sense it since we met her" Sting admitted and Celesta nodded. 
"You may stay after all you are the new kings so you will need to be shown your new roles and be strong enough to protect hime" smiled Celesta.

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