Chapter 11: Their plan

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"Here you are Yukino they didn't hurt him" Lucy smiled as she gently gave Ocean to the white haired girl.
"Thank you Lucy-san," cried Yukino, hugging her son close to her chest.
"Take her home Olga will be worried" Lucy said as Yukino nodded and left for her and Olga's home.
"How about that date now?" Lucy giggled, making Sting and Rouge gape at her.
"What?" Lucy questioned tilting her head. 
"You just giggled a real giggle" Rouge smiled lightly.
"And you smiled," Lucy said.
"For you Lulu anything" Rouge smirked.
"Since it's getting late, let's get some ice cream then rest. It's been a big day plus we have to get ready for the games tomorrow it's the last day" Lucy smiled gently.
"Yea they cut it short for some reason but who cares we are going to win" Sting grinned.
"I'm thinking of forgiving, fairy tail. I know they don't deserve it but they still hold a place in my heart even after all this. Plus I don't want to waste my life hating them" Lucy explained.
"Of course they will always be in your heart, don't worry we will be with you no matter what" Rouge said, kissing her head.
"So you guys don't mind if I forgive Fairy Tail?" Lucy enquired, a bit worried.
"It will be fine, we can still beat them in the games other than that you're stuck with us. This mark proves it," Sting grinned rubbing the white and black dragon tattoo that was around Lucy's neck.
"Which reminds me" Rouge said as he elbowed Sting and the holy mage nodded before grinning. Lucy watched as both of the dragon slayers got down on their knees confused but just watched. 
"Lucy Ashley Heartfeila-Goldheart we have known you for three years" Sting started.
"And we have been dating for three years as well. We still remember that day that you accepted to date us and we were over the moon about it so now we are asking" Rouge continued.
"For your hand in marriage Lucy Ashley Heartfeila-Goldheart will you do the honor of marrying us" they finished together and Lucy covered her mouth with her hands as tears flowed down her face. 
"Yes, yes, YES!" Lucy yelled as she jumped on the two boys happily and hugged them both, making them laugh.
"Finally I thought you would never do it" said Yukino giggling as she watched Rouge slide a ring on Lucy's finger and then Sting did the same before they glowed and joined together as one ring.
"It's beautiful," Lucy whispered as she looked at it. It was silver, there was a golden gem in the middle with a black and white gem next to the golden one.
"Come on let's go and celebrate" Sting cheered and Lucy giggled as she was pulled with Rouge and Sting as they went to a bar and Lucy smiled as she watched them having drinking competitions. 

"You better get those two out of here before they do something stupid" Olga said and Lucy giggled and nodded as she walked over to the boys who were at the bar drunk. "Come on you two let's get you home Lector, Frosch, Shadow and Light will be worried" Lucy said as she helped them up and started to drag them to the hotel.
"I love you Lucy" Sting mumbled as he kissed Lucy and then went to bed.
"Love you Lulu" Rouge whispered as he kissed Lucy and went to bed as well making Lucy smile as they hugged each other and she got a camera out and started to take pictures of them giggling to herself. After she was finished she shower and went to bed the two dragon slayers instantly hugging her making her smile a warm smile.
"I finally get to be happy and no one is going to take that away from me even if I have to kill someone for it I will" Lucy said to herself before falling asleep happily. 

The next day they woke up doing their training before dropping the exceeds off with Yukino and heading to the arena.
"I heard that today there is going to be a fight that will determine the winner," Lucy said to the boys who looked at her confused.
"Why is that?" Sting asked.
"Because the king wants the last day to be spent celebrating and I promised them a fight so they will get one so I can show them that" Lucy grinned. 
"What is the fight?" Sting asked worriedly.
"Me VS Lisanna and Natsu after I finally beat them I will be able to forgive them. I will finally be at peace in my heart not having to hate my first human friends" Lucy hummed and Rouge and Sting hugged her tightly.
"We promise that we will never hurt you ok" Rouge said and Lucy giggled.
"I know that silly you two have brought me so much happiness that I can finally be myself" Lucy smiled and they smiled back at her.
"Good luck," Sting and Rouge said, kissing her cheeks before she went out to face her battle.

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