Chapter 7: Lucy's hell training and The kitten

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"I hope you are ready to train Rufus, Orga" Lucy said and they nodded. 
"Good let's start 50 push ups now" Lucy yelled. 
"What?" Rufus questioned in confusion. 
"In that case give me 100 push ups," Lucy smiled sadistically, slamming her foot into Rufus's knee making him fall to the floor and they glanced at Lucy. 
"Hurry up, count them out" Lucy yelled and they started. 
"Good now 50 sit ups, 50 laps around the lake then 50 laps swimming in the lake" Lucy instructed and they followed her orders until they finished and collapsed on the grass. 
"How *huff* does she *huff* expect me to *huff* survive" Rufus said. 
"Get up now I have someone each for you to meet" Lucy grinned and they pulled their sore and tired body's up. 
"You will be doing this every day, but you will be training with two people as well, Olga meet, Zeus the god of lightning" Lucy introduced and Olga bowed. 
"Come on let's go we will be training for the remainder of the time" Zeus said and they left. 
"Rufus this is Memoir, the memory maker dragon she will teach you" Lucy said and they nodded before they left together. 

When Lucy was alone she sighed as she sat down and fiddled with the braces to make sure that they were fitted tightly. 
"Lucy you ok?" Shadow questioned looking at her friend. 
"No" Lucy whispered as she started to cry, her knees brought up to her chest. 
"Lulu what's wrong what happened?" Shadow asked.
"It's the anniversary," Lucy said and Shadow nodded. 
"It's ok, remember we are here for you" Shadow said as she hugged Lucy as much as she could. 
"Yeah I'm just going to go for a walk" Lucy said and Shadow nodded as Lucy walked off around the lake to a flower field. 

"They promised to protect me they promised me then they did this to me" Lucy snarled as she slammed her hand into a tree base making it fall over, even though her knuckles were bleeding she couldn't feel it at all.
"Why? WHY" Lucy screamed as she started to sob and just let everything out her magic whipping out and destroying the forest while she laid in the flower field wailing. 
"Lulu it's ok, calm down, calm down we are right here" Sting and Rouge said as they hugged me tightly as she just sobbed and cried into their chests. 
"Don't worry Lu they will pay for what they did to you I will make them pay" Rouge said. 
"I know I just" Lucy whimpered looking at her braces. 
"Don't let them get you down anymore ok? If you need to cry come to us and cry ok? Don't hold it all in" Sting comforted.
"Yeah I just....seeing Rufus and Orga trying their best just reminded me" Lucy tried and they nodded gently rubbing her back and waiting for her to calm down. 

"Oh right I forgot to mention Light and Lector's egg has started to hatch, Light seems exhausted by the drain of magical power" Sting exclaimed and Lucy shot up. 
"What? Hurry we have to get there before it hatches" Lucy yelled, grabbing their hands and running towards their house.
"Lucy" Light panted in exhaustion and Lucy smiled as she looked at Light who was holding her son. It looked like they didn't make it in time to see the egg hatch but that was just fine.
"He is beautiful," Lucy said. 
"Of course he is mine and Light's son after all" Lector grinned. It was true the little kitten looked exactly like Lector but he had white on his ears and tail. He had been dressed in a little black shirt and pants and was sleeping.
"Come on Frosch" Shadow said standing up. 
"Where are you going?" Rouge questioned, confused.
"I want a kitten" Shadow declared and they disappeared, leaving Lucy, Sting and Rouge laughing. 
"Lector, Light I already know the partner to your son" Lucy smiled and they gaped holding their son close. 
"He won't be leaving you, at least until he is at least a year in human years and Rufus is his partner so he will be close by" Lucy informed them and they sighed in relief. 
"I'm going to bed now, it's been a long day" Lucy said and they nodded knowing she needed time to herself on this day. It was the day Fairy Tail betrayed her, the day her mother died and the day she ran away from her abusive father.

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