Chapter 9: memories

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Warning mentions of self harm and also some swearing and violence

"Now then where were we?" Lucy asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I was about to beat you to a pulp, remember little weakling" Lisanna sneered, obviously not sensing how strong Lucy truly was. 
"Take over: apocalypse dragon, Acnologia" Lucy said as she changed, getting angry. Her hair was now black and short like Yukino's. Her eyes were blazing red and she had a black shirt and pants to her thighs with a sword on her back, a gun at her side and a bow and arrow on her back. 
"You will not call me weak, apocalypse dragon roar" Lucy roared and it hit Lisanna straight on. 
"Ahhhhh" yelled Lisanna as she lost her take over form. Lucy grabbed Lisanna by her hair bringing her up before she started to punch and kick Lisanna making her scream more. Lucy finally threw her into the air and kicked her into the ground leaving a crater as the bell rang. 
"L-L-Lucy has won the battle Kabo" Mato announced as Lucy changed back to normal. 
"Lisanna" Natsu yelled as he, Erza, Gray, Elfman and Mira ran down to their fallen comrade. Meanwhile Lucy headed back to the other members of the Sabertooth guild.
"Get back here Lucy you must pay for your actions" Mira screamed, tears in her eyes. 
"Then where is your punishment? You hit and abused me for three months, I was going to cast a spell that made her be in more pain then she already is. I will still do it as well. Be thankful she is still alive" Lucy snarled. 
"How could you do this,  we were your family?" Erza demanded. 
"Tch family? You were never my family, you were just more people that hurt me! You think I care about you anymore I don't care even if you drop dead right now" Lucy snapped and they looked at her taken back. 
"All you ever showed me was pain, you promised to be there for me. I was always there for you. I stayed there for you even though I was abused for three months, do you know what that was like? To have your so-called friends hurt you! I was there for you Gray, I was there to listen when you told me about Ur. Erza I helped you in the tower of heaven, Mira and Elfman I was there to comfort you when you thought of Lisanna and finally Natsu I was ready to search the whole world to find any trace of Igneel for you but then you turned on me not even caring as I laid beaten and bloody on the floor while you all laughed. Cana I helped you with Gildarts, Levy I was going to let you read my book hell I even helped Alzack and Bisca get together but then again as they say never trust anyone unless you know them fully" Lucy snarled as she walked to the Sabertooth members where she sat on Rouge's lap her head in his chest and Sting next to them holding Lucy's hands gently. 

"Alright folks, next up we have Fairy Tail's B Mira Vs Sting" Yajima said, cutting through the tense air and Sting grinned, jumping down to see Mira was glaring at him. 
"You will pay for hurting Lu" Sting warned as he got ready. 
"Start," said Mato. 
"Take over satan soul: Hephias" Mira yelled. 
"Holy dragon's memory" Sting yelled and a light surrounded Mira making everyone look as they saw what Mira saw but on the outside. 
"Hey Mira, can I have a milkshake?" A cheerful Lucy asked.
"Shut up weakling" Mira sneered, slapping her. 
"Ok" Lucy whispered softly as she left going to her apartment before she grabbed a knife and cut her wrists open. 
"Maybe they will notice me tomorrow" Lucy said as it faded and played something else. 

"Stupid weak bitch get off" Natsu yelled as he hit Lucy and then the guild started to hit her. 
"Don't worry guys I'm sorry for being weak, I will try more after all this is my fault" Lucy said to herself after the beating was done. 

"Mama what am I going to do everyone is hurting me maybe I should just kill myself then they will be happy, they sure aren't happy now" Lucy said before it changed. 

"You don't even deserve the mark of Fairy Tail" Mira said to Lucy. 
"You're right, would you please take it off?" Lucy requested. 
"No way would I even touch you" Mira yelled before it went to Lisanna's death before the light left to find Mira on her knees crying her eyes out. 

"How does it feel to be the monster that killed your sister? How does it feel to kill someone inside? She doesn't even show true emotion anymore because of you it's your fault! She tried to kill herself many times over because you drove her to that you drove her to cut herself to nearly give up her life I hope you are proud" Sting snarled as he gather light on his hand and punched Mira down the face before hitting her again and again until she had a state like Lisanna's. Sting had of course gotten Lucy's permission to show the world those memories since they were personal. Also they knew that Lucy showed true emotion around Sabertooth, her spirits and the creatures of the dragon realm.
"It seems that Fairy Tail has an enemy again" Lahar said as Yajima frowned. 
"Yes, it seems that is the case but it's understandable after what happened to Lucy, why they wish to avenge her" Yajima hummed. 
"And that folks conclude the first day please join us tomorrow for more" said the Chapati Lola as everyone left including the guilds. 

"Finally over come on let's go and celebrate with dinner" Lucy groaned getting to her feet and Sting and Rouge nodded holding Lucy's hands noticing fairy tail runoff. It was mere minutes later that Yukino came running to them with tears running down her face. 
"They took him! They took Ocean, they took him" Yukino wailed distraught as Lucy hugged her. 
"Who took him?" Lucy demanded her eyes darkened. 
"Fairy Tail, they attacked me out of nowhere a few minutes ago in the guild hall. I was the only one there and they took him,'' Yukino continued to wail. 
"Rouge, look after Shadow and Light. Sting watch over Yukino and tell Olga what happened as well" Lucy instructed, her hands shaking in fury.
"What are you doing?" Rouge asked worriedly.
"I'm going fairy hunting" Lucy snarled, disappearing as she ran off.

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