Chapter 6: returning

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"Come on Rouge Sting it's to leave. We are ready now" Lucy grinned and they smiled back as she jumped around like a little kid. If you didn't know her you wouldn't even know that she needed to have her legs and one of her arms in a brace. They had been training for three whole years and now they were finally finished.
"Light you will hurt yourself" Shadow yelled and Light grinned as she sat on Lucy's shoulder. Light and Lector had been married for two years and were expecting a kitten in two months. While exceeds were born from eggs, the mother's magic was used to protect the egg meaning that Light had to be careful. On the other hand, Shadow and Frosch had married a year ago and weren't looking at having a kitten just yet.
"See you later Lucy-hime and remember your name is now Lucy Goldheart" Celesta reminded before waving as they finally walked into the portal to go to Earthland. 

"Home sweet home" Lucy smiled as she twirled around before holding Sting and Rouge's hands with their exceeds on their shoulders as they walked towards Sabertooth.
"We're back" Sting yelled as he kicked the doors down.
"Sting, Rouge where have you been?" Minerva demanded as she walked towards them.
"Min-chan I see you are the guild master now, sorry we were training" Lucy grinned and Minerva froze. After the grand magic games Minerva had apologised to Lucy on her knees and explained how the old guild master had been but hadn't used that as an excuse. Lucy, being as kind as she was, accepted her apology and had become friends with the darker haired woman before the accident.
"Lu-chan" Minerva yelled as she hugged Lucy tight.
"I came to join Sabertooth," Lucy explained as she took a step after the hug, making her braces clank. Most of the time the braces were silent but sometimes they did make noise.
"What happened?" Minerva asked, her aura growing darker.
"Fairy Tail happened but don't worry though, I will get them back" Lucy said and Minerva nodded. 
"In that case where would you like your mark?" Minerva asked, holding up the stamp.
"On the right of my stomach gold with black speckled through it and white around it" Lucy told her.
"I want red on my back," Light said.
"Green on my back with a pink outline," Shadow said.
"We would like to change ours to put gold throughout it" Sting explained and Rouge nodded in agreement making Minerva nod before changing it.
"All done, Rouge and Sting I don't need to tell you to take care of Lucy do I?" Minerva questioned with a dark look on her face which made the boys shake their heads in fear.
"Good now I want you to meet two new members, this is Ocean, Yukino and Orga's son he is three and this little Angel is called Minnie, she is mine an Rufus's daughter she is only a year old" Minerva said smiling a she held a child with blonde hair just like her father.
"You guys are just in time for the Grand Magic Games. Me and Minerva decided not to participate because we are looking after the kids so there is Orga, Rufus, Rouge, Sting and Lucy-sama" Yukino said as she gave Ocean a piece of chocolate lightning making the boy cheer happily.
"So I guess he inherited the lightning god magic?" Lucy enquired and Yukino nodded.
"Yeah which means he has triple the amount of energy of a normal child" Yukino sighed but for the beaming smile on her face said that she really didn't mind.
"Alright well Rufus, Orga you will be training for the next three weeks with me so I can make sure your up to shape and won't be beaten" Lucy said and they nodded after hearing what had happened they knew that Lucy wouldn't take the chance that Fairy Tail could hurt them.
"We will do our best," Rufus said.
"Yea we will show how strong we have grown" Olga grinned and Lucy nodded as she walked to the bar.
"Can I please have four bowls of warm milk, a strawberry milkshake, a drink of light and a drink of shadow?'' Lucy asked and the barmaid nodded, going to get the order. Sabertooth always had light and shadow on tap for Sting and Rogue.
"PARTY TIME" yelled a member. 
"Training starts in two days, enjoy yourselves" Lucy smiled and got cheers in return.

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