Who is this person?

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( Phoebe's pov)
Thankfully I was able to leave campus without any trouble and I got on a bus to the city, I decided to keep on the clothes that Kari gave me because I didn't want to take any chances.

" 1227, clark street" I thought to myself trying to remember the address, I walked down the side walk to see the exact address at the last house.

I walked up to the porch, really nervous to ring the doorbell.
It was 3:47 already by the time I arrived so I don't want to be staying long, not to mention I was late.
I rang the doorbell and took a step back not knowing what to expect.
The door opened with a man standing there, his hair was a regular hair cut that was brown, he had on glasses, a white sweatshirt, and black sweat pants.

I was really nervous, I wasn't sure if I should even stay around and talk to this man, but it was to late to walk away now.

" are you Phoebe Nora?" He asked me, I was to nervous to get a word out, it was silent for a second.
" hello?" He said a little concerned.
" oh hi, yeah I'm Phoebe, nice to meet you what's you're name?"
" it's Felix, Felix Harper, nice to meet you too" he replied, I felt a little bit calmer now at least knowing his name.
" oh come on in, my bad" he said scratching his head.
" it's all good" I replied
I walked in the house, it was very well organized and decorated, I went to the couch and sat down, then I pulled out my notebook and turned to the page where me and Kari came up with questions to ask Felix.

" so you're here because you want more information on Raena park, right?" He asked
" yep, as much information I can get" I replied trying to keep cool.

" I'm actually really glad that students are discovering this, so that Ravena high can finally be called out" he sighed kinda irritated.
" what do you mean" I asked concerned
" Ravena high is an evil school and the principal is the worst one there" he shaked his head, there's no way he could be talking about about " ms maywood" he said almost like he heard my thoughts, but actually he didn't, I just zoned out while he was talking.

" so my first question is what was or is you're relationship to Raena?" I asked taking a deep breath with my first question.
" I was her boyfriend" he replied straight up
" boyfriend, boyfriend" I thought to myself, our school doesn't even allow us to date, how could they date.
" um ok, so did you actually go to Ravena high, if so what grade where you in and what year was it?" I asked tapping my pen on my notebook.
" I did, i was in 8th grade, and the year was 2005" he replied.
I wrote down the answers down under the questions for number one and two, everything was going smoothly, we only had three questions, meaning there was only one left.
" okay, last question, we're you with Raena before she went missing, if so what do you remember" I asked nervously, this was the question I was most curious about.

He sighed, almost like he was about to start crying.
" it's okay take you're time" I said trying to confront him.

" thank you" he replied wiping his tears.
" always" I assured.

He took a deep breath before starting to explain.
" in 8th grade, we had a party on the weekend to celebrate the last quarter of the year, we weren't aloud to have parties so that was already a red flag. They were drinks and loud music all in one dorm, the dorms were big and could fit a lot of people, but after that year the teachers got them instead. It was 3:07 in the morning, we were still dancing and having fun, I was with Raena dancing. Then all of the sudden ms maywood came barging into the dorm really mad, she turned of the music and yelled at everyone, then she asked " who's responsible for this party" she yelled,
Raena put her hand up, carelessly and I tried to get her to put her hand down because I didn't want her to get in trouble.
After that ms Maywood stormed over to Raena and grabbed her by the arm, and stomped out the dorm, that was the last time I saw her, before i got all the bad news" he explained then sighed after that hand full of words he had to say.

" what news that she was missing?" I asked concerned
" no, worse than that, on the school announcements, we got one saying to the whole school at the same time saying that Raena park, died" he couldn't help but start to cry, I walked over to him trying to give him a comforting hug.
I was shocked, I knew that she went missing because of the paper me and Kari saw in the teachers closet, but I didn't know she died.
"So we're the missing person paper of her fake or not?" I asked looking down, I was feeling bad that I had to ask him all these questions.
" yeah they were fake, they were to covering up the fact the principal killed Raena" he replied continuing crying.

"Ms. Maywood, murder, how?" I thought to myself, I could never imagined Ms Maywood doing such a thing.

I looked down at my notebook that had no more questions that needs to be answered, but there was just one question that I was dying to know.
" I'm really sorry to ask this but, do you know how she died?" I asked tapping my pen once again.

" Ms Maywood locked her into the basement she stayed in there the entire quarter, for 18 weeks straight with no food, water, anything, that's how" he said wiping his tears again.

I was thinking to myself, questioning the entire existence of my school, could this all be really true.
I got up and gave Felix one more comfort hug before I left.
" I'm very sorry for you're loss, and I promise to you that me and my friend Kari will seek Justice for Raena" I promised
" thank you so much, really you don't know how much this means to me" he said hugging me one more time.
" anytime" I replied.

He walked me out the door, I catched the bus again on my way back to campus, once again I wasn't caught, I was a lucky one tho, I was really hopeful to tell Kari all that I learned.

And are next step, getting the history on how long this behavior has been going on at our school.

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