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( Kari's POV)
Not gonna lie, it's kinda hard to have so many things you need to get done, done, when you have things like school and work in the way, it can really overwhelm you. It can overwhelm you to the point where you forget important things, just like I did this morning.

This morning, I was awoken by my annoying alarm, I purposely put it farther away from my my bed so that I have to get up to turn it off.
I get up out of bed and go to my bathroom,
And what I see in the mirror, is nothing but a very tired, tired girl, this weekend felt so long, which is usually a good thing, but with this whole Raena situation is not a good thing.

After I was done getting ready I went in the kitchen to get myself some breakfast, breakfast is pretty easy to make for most students, so the school lets us makes our own in the morning, I mean, that's what the cooking classes are for.
I make myself toast with some bacon, I was nice enough to make some for Avani too.

Avani walks in really irritated, I guess she isn't much of a morning person either.
" what are you making?" She asked yawning
" toast and bacon, and I made some for you too" I replied.
" oh, thank you" she says hiding a little smile, it's probably the only thing I've heard her ever say nice to me.

We both sit down on the island table.
" so what are we gonna do today about the whole Raena thing?" She asked.
" we'll talk about it at lunch, you me and Phoebe" I replied.
" but why can't we just talk about it right now?" She asked confused
" because I think it would be easier if we all tell each other our ideas and plans at the same time when we're all together, that why things won't get mixed up" i explained
" why do you ask" i questioned
" I just- um, I don't want- uh" she mumbled
" do you not want to sit with us? I mean I guess it's fine since we have other times we could meet up to talk" I shrugged, of course Avani Layne does not want to be seen with Kari Marie and Phoebe Nora.

" that would be nice, way better" she sighed with relief.
" ok well when are you free?" I asked
" normally I'd say never but because I'm nice, how about during study hall?" She suggested
" ok sounds good" I replied

" wow this bacon is really good" said
" thank you" I said trying to hide my smile.

We both finish our food then Avani got ready.

After that Her, me, and Phoebe walked to campus together.

" okay so Phoebe, since Avani really thinks that being seen in with us at lunch will ruin her, we're gonna talk about our plans and ideas at study hall" i explained

" hmph, ok" she replied
I gave her a " I know right look"
" it's nothing against you two I just don't want to my friends to think that im friends with you guys" she explained
" I can honestly care less, they should know that the only reason why we're talking is about business anyways" Phoebe rolled her eyes, and so did Avani.

We got to campus, and Avani was about to walk off to her little clique( actually kinda big).
" oh and by the way, try not to talk to me for the rest of the day but study hall, ok? Thanks" she said sarcastically.
And before we could even say anything she already walked off.

" she's so stuck up, it makes me sick, ugh" Phoebe gagged.
" I mean it's in her personality description, so what do you expect?" I admitted
We laughed and walked into school.

We made our way pass ms Maywood's office, and it didn't feel the same at all, she gave us a werid welcoming smile, or at least now I think everything she does is werid.

It was time for first period and it was history, I love history.
Ms Kelly, our history teacher ( also my favorite in the school) is teaching us about kid activists and how they helped change society.

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