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it was the morning of my first day back to school, 8th grade was going to be the best year yet I was definitely going to go out with a bang, with my best friend phoebe of course.

I was really prepared for this school year, I had a whole vision on how I wanted my dorm room to look like, my locker, even my bag. I was so prepared I packed my clothes just 3 weeks in advanced for today.

The first thing I did when I got up for school was call phoebe, it's something we always do on the first day of school.

" phoebe, are you there?" I questioned
" yeah I'm here good morning, are you ready for today?) she replied
" you know I am" I said with a smile
" alright we'll we may have to wear uniforms to school but don't forget to show your personality through fashion the best way you can" phoebe said " of course see you at school" I replied before we both hanged up.

Sometimes I wish we didn't wear uniforms to school, that way I could show all of my amazing outfits, with me always wearing this stupid blazer with a bow and skirt, people think I have no fashion sense whatsoever and my hair doesn't help ether, my hair has never changed from its short hair and bangs.
Then I'm always wearing these glasses which I never understood why my parents didn't just let me wear contact lenses.

Anyway my mom took to school it was kinda a long car drive to school but it felt so short to me cause I was really nervous, I don't know, the thought that this was my last year at this school was blowing my mind.

Soon I got to the school I hugged my mom bye and left the car, I immediately started looking for phoebe, i couldn't find her until I heard my name yelled super loudly.

"KARI, over here!" Phoebe yelled
Then I saw her waiting right by the stairs while everyone else was walking in, I ran to her so fast and gave her the biggest hug.

" oh my gosh it feels like I haven't seen you in a year" phoebe cried
" I know right" I replied
Phoebe went to Canada to visit her family there so I guess she wasn't that far but I still missed her a bunch over the summer.

"You look amazing phoebe" I said
" thank you so much" she said as a big smile went across her face, phoebe was wearing the boring school uniform except she added her own design to it, but anyway she was wearing those really nice star earrings and her hair was in a half up half down, exposing her pink and orange streaks at the bottom half of her hair which complemented her brown hair.
My hair looked basic it was still black, not even a single touch of dye touched it.

" alright you're are you ready to go?" Phoebe asked
" always" I replied
Me and phoebe walked the school it was like we never left, except new dorms and new classrooms.
Me and phoebe were waiting in the auditorium so we could get our dorm number and keys.
Once my name was called I was hoping they'd say I'm sharing a dorm with phoebe but it was the total opposite.
" Kari Marie, you will be sharing a dorm with Avani layne"
I despise Avani layne a lot, I deserved to have the same dorm as phoebe, it was my last year of middle school and it isn't guaranteed that me and phoebe are for sure going to same high school together.

I walked to my dorm as far from Avani as I could, before I'd have to see her every day, every morning, every night, for the next 8 months

We went to our rooms and unpacked, when I was done I was going to head to where phoebe was so we could hangout then as I was walking out I heard Avani annoying voice go " I had a nightmare that I shared a dorm with you"
" I never even imagined sharing a dorm with you because I don't like you" I muttered then slamming the door shut to go find phoebe.
I was so over today already, I met phoebe at the tables outside the school we were talking about our thoughts and opinions on our dorm rooms and class schedule.

"Who do you room with?" I asked phoebe
" I room with lynn Maxine" phoebe sighed
" how is she?" I asked
" she's kind and all she's just kind of a handful, someone told me that they shared a dorm with her in 6th grade and they weren't able to get sleep the entire year because she would always talk there ears off even at night" she whispered
" I heard that she even sleep walks" I added
" who knows" phoebe sighed then we both burst out laughing
" we'll I think it still would've been nice to room together" sighed
" yeah me to" phoebe added
" but hey, it's not like we won't ever not fine time to hangout so I guess not sharing dorms isn't the end of the world but we are still going to make our last year of middle school amazing" i said
" of course, you always know how to cheer up someone" Phoebe replied
I gave her a smile, we've been best friends since daycare, we are basically sisters.

Afterwards me and phoebe made our way to the lunch room for dinner.

Then after that it was time to go to sleep

I made my way back to my dorm and went to room changed into my pjs and went to sleep.
We'll I tried to but little miss Avani layne couldn't stop talking so much on the phone with her friends
I walked over to her room knocked on her door then waited with my arms crossed.
Then she opened the door
" what do you want Kari?" She said with a annoyed look
" we'll what I want is for you to pipe down, I can literally hear you from my room" I said
" boo hoo, no one tells me to be quiet, now if you have such a big problem with how loud I am then put headphones on" she shouted then slammed the door shut
I aggressively walked back to my room and slammed my door I put my headphones on and put on calming music to help me fall asleep,
I had the volume all the way up but I still could hear her it was so irritating, she ended up staying up on the phone with her friends until 2 am and I didn't get a drop of sleep.
It's hard to believe I have to deal with her for the next 8 months.

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