Chapter - 7: A Date With Hate (Flashback Episode)

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Hello lovelies!

This is the most heavy and complicated Chapter I have ever written. It took a lot from me and to get all the logics, ages and situations on point has been quite a challenge.

I tried my best to give an account of everything that transpired in the past in a single chapter to help with understanding my characters better.

This has the most number of important lines (I usually mark them in bold) and situations that will be crucial to understanding why the Birlas are the way they are, their flaw and their merits.

I am sure....there will be doubts and I am here to clarify them to the best of my ability. I am not averse to criticism if it's done in a respectful way. By feedback, I don't mean to say compliments.

This the one demand I can't help making. I really want everybody to share their feedback on this chapter in whatever way they can. I don't mind direct messages too. Unless and until i get an understanding regrading what my readers are thinking about the characters and the past, I cannot proceed ahead with the story.

It is super important to me as a writer and please don't look at this like a target or a sort of blackmail. If you know me, then you will know how I detest being demanding. So, please don't take it otherwise.

Allow me a small break to recover from this and please use this time to let the past seep in. It will be short. I promise. 

Will be awaiting your response.

Thank you!

Lots of love,

Manisha Krishna


Days after having the talk with Neil and Rohan about Abhir's feelings and almost 20 days into therapy, he was still not convinced that he should let Abhir feel what he wants to. But he didn't approach Abhir immediately. He took time and observed Abhir's behaviour whenever something remotely close to his past was mentioned. He would stiffen up and give a tight-lipped smile. He was trying his best to not give in to his feelings or come out with them openly.

Abhimanyu had enough of it. He didn't want his kid to suffer because of the hatred he was building up within himself for his mother. He can have his reasons and Abhimanyu would respect them. Being bitter and upset was still acceptable but harboring hate is something he would never allow. He consciously tried to keep his children away from the emotion, HATE. Because he knew what hate as an emotion can do to a sane person and he didn't want his son to have the same fate as his. 

His therapy sessions made him see the fact that he was the living example for that. He couldn't help recollecting his past encounters with hate and the vile consequences of this hazardous emotion.

In retrospect, all his life, ever since, he started understanding things, Abhimanyu hated his FATHER. He hated him for the way he treated his mother. He hated him for never being there for him. He hated him for cheating on his mother and hated that he was a witness to it. He hated everything about his father's existence but felt extremely helpless in front of his mother. She loved him with all heart and never ever considered a life without him. 

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