Chapter - 9: Aftermath

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Hey lovelies!

Thank you for the lovely response. It means so much to me. You people have no idea. I mean it from my heart.

I have enjoyed the discussion and tried to make this next chapter an enjoyable read. This is almost 4700 words long without considering the note.

I hope all of you will like this and shower love. That keeps me going. Ideally, I would request everyone who refrains from commenting, to give their opinion in at least 3-4 lines and I will always encourage different perspectives. That alone will help me become better.

I am not against criticism if done respectfully. I might not change my ways completely but will definitely take opinions into consideration. Rest assured about that.

Target stays the same for votes and I would love as many comments as I can have. 

Have a happy read.

Lots of Love

Manisha Krishna

At Birla House:

Manjari and Harsh saw the kids' long faces and understood that the matter was far from over. They had seen Abhimanyu hurry up to his room. He just passed a courteous smile to them on his way and went ahead. Roohi and Abhir looked clueless. They looked at Manjari and Harsh innocently. Manjari eyed them to go behind Abhimanyu, pointing at his room and Harsh blinked and nodded in affirmation. 

They didn't have to be told twice. Roohi and Abhir left their bags in the hall and ran towards Abhimanyu's room. Abhimanyu was just taking his time because he didn't want to yell at them before knowing the whole thing. It's just that the faint bruises he observed on their faces and arms were getting on to his nerves. He couldn't help thinking about what all could have gone wrong if things went South. 

He knew that these things are common, and teenagers do get into fights. At least Abhir and Roohi were apologetic about it even without his interference. He was grateful about that, but his protective instincts were peaking at the wrong time. He was furious and the children didn't deserve that much anger. He was well aware of that. Even after the incident, the Principal praised their behaviour. He had nothing to be ashamed of. 

In fact, he was proud of the good will they built in such a short span. That's the reason he refrained from addressing the issue. Once he is in total control of his emotions, he will talk to them. "Abhir, Roohi aaram se bacha. Gir jaoge" Manjari's voice was heard followed by Harsh's "Be careful. Stairs hain." Abhimanyu rushed out fast hearing the screams of caution. His heart was beating so fast in worry that the sight of them running on the stairs made his temper flare.

Right on cue Roohi was about to trip and fall on Abhir which would have caused him to fall as well in the process, but she just managed to hold her balance in time. Abhir helped her regain her posture and they were about to run again. "STOP RIGHT THERE BOTH OF YOU!!!" Abhimanyu's voice boomed in the house. Roohi and Abhir froze when they heard his angry voice. When they stopped and looked up, all they could see were his blazing eyes and clenched up jaw.

Why could they not chase any more trouble today? They were already in a soup, and they messed it up further. Abhimanyu had warned them time and again to not run on the stairs for whatever reason. He advised them to take the lift if they were in a hurry but instructed them very, very clearly to not run on the stairs. They did exactly the opposite for the hundredth time and as fate would have it, they even stumbled for a moment. 

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