Chapter - 18 : Dealing With The Aftermath

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Happy Belated Deepawali Guys!!!

I am too tired from all the chaos and fun!!

Also I have a family function on Thursday!!

I will try my best but I can't promise about the next update and its timing.

But after that, I intend to make certain changes in my schedule. You all will know eventually.

Till then, happy reading!!

In The Birla House:

The next morning something miraculous happened in Birla house again. The sleeping beauty, Roohi Birla, woke up without being woken up at 4 o clock. That is even earlier than Abhimanyu and Manjari who were the earliest risers in the house normally and Harsh joined their league recently. That was the price he had to pay to go on the jog with Abhimanyu. But what made Roohi wake up so soon? 

Well! It was her father and the events of yesterday. She hated every bit of last night. She disappointed her father and even got scolded. She had to eat food because she was ordered to, and she had to crash sooner than she wanted to. She couldn't afford going against her father's word again and she didn't even get her Good Night wish and kiss from her father. She was awake for a long time. 

Roohi was waiting for her father to turn up any moment to stealthily wish her Good Night assuming her to be asleep. She waited and waited but nothing happened. She so badly wanted to be pacified and she hated going to bed in that mood knowing that her Poppy was still miffed with her. She wished to run to her Poppy and apologize but she also knew that her Poppy needed rest after such a hectic day. 

All these thoughts were lingering in her mind when she dozed off unknowingly. Just like how she slept, she woke up unceremoniously at around 4. She didn't plan to, but it happened that way and she couldn't bring herself to sleep again. So, she decided to go and snuggle with her father. If everything went well, she would show him her puppy eyes and cutest face to get him to forgive her mischief. That's how she decided to go silently to her father's room. 

She tried to not make even the slightest of noise because Abhimanyu was a very light sleeper. She wanted to hug him to her heart's content before he wakes up and if to her misfortune, he decides to not forgive her, she would at least have had her share of comfort. That would be horrible though, and she was already super sad. She tiptoed into the room but felt someone's presence around her which creeped her out. 

She controlled her scream because she didn't want to wake her Poppy up. Sleep was very important to him, and he hardly gets enough sleep for one reason or the other. Doctors and their responsibilities never come with a set of timings. But when she felt like she crashed into someone in the dark, she couldn't hold back and screamed her lungs out. She scurried towards the switch board and was trying to switch on the light when that person switched it on. 

She was scared initially but when she saw that person, her fear morphed into anger. "Tu yahan aise kya kar raha hain? Dara diya na mujhe! Heart attack ho jatha mujhe toh?" Roohi scowled.

 Abhir, on the other hand was in a rather foul mood to see that she was just speaking out of shock and fear. He himself was super irritated with everything that transpired the day before. He never had to sleep without having his father kiss him Good Night if he was around. He never went to bed with his father disappointed with him. He has always been the obedient child and never let his adventurous streak pop out and mess things up for him. 

He believed that the aftermath is not worth the momentous fun. He only had always tagged along with his Di or involuntarily became a part of their pranks and stunts. He was always let off a lot lightly, whenever that happened because his father knew how he landed there. Hence, Abhir was not used to all this. But yesterday was one such instance when he was intentionally involved, and he got subjected to the same fate as his sister which he found very difficult to cope with. 

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