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"Does Peter remind you of Bambi too?" Mr. Stark asked suddenly in the middle of the movie.
"I agree"
This came out of everyone. I have no idea how they thought of it. Well, Mr. Stark. When he started it.
"Looks like you have a new nickname Bambi" Mr. Stark said with a smile. I turned sharply, everyone started laughing.
This is how it continued the whole movie, or maybe a fairy tale? Well, it's from Disney.The movie ended and I already had a plan in my head to avoid Mrs. Davis."Mr. Stark? I should go back to the orphanage." I said quickly after the credits.
"Okay, I'll take you"
"But I'm here on a bike..." I protested."Then I'll put it in our garage and You'll come for you tomorrow" Mr. Stark handed it back to me and I realized that I had no chance. I nodded in defeat."yes, I'm going" and stood up. I quickly waved to everyone, they waved back to me with smiles on their faces.
"And what's the name of the orphanage?" Mr. Stark asked me.
"Um, orphanage: second chance," I said after a short pause.
"okay, okay... Friday, give the navigation a 'second chance'" said Mr. Stark, who was looking at the ceiling.
"Sure sir" replied Friday. The elevator doors opened and we went to one of the cars. It was black and probably quite expensive, "don't say" Well, I could have expected that when it's a billionaire's car...
"Well, sit in the front, yes, and put your backpack on the back seats" he smiled at me, I smiled back. It was about half past eleven in the evening.
I did as he told me and sat in the front. Then I wrestled.
Driving in the car was fun. Mr. Stark and I had a chat. The band ACDC was playing on the radio. It was great, but everything comes to an end.
I got out of the car. What surprised me was that Mr. Stark came out too.
"I'll walk you to the door, just to be sure. You never know who will attack you" he told me with a serious face. But I can take care of myself.
"Um sure" I said and we went to the door.
"Um, thank you for today Mr. Stark"
"You're welcome Bambi, same time tomorrow. bye" he waved me goodbye.
"see you Mr. Stark" Mr. Stark then turned and walked to the car while I walked around the orphanage and climbed up the wall again into the storage room I call 'my room'.
My eyes fell on the box in the corner of the room where my red and blue clothes that I found today are. Erm I hope today and I looked at the mobile screen.
I should be going to bed now, but looking at that box. Maybe I thought of something.
'You would make a great superhero'
Rather, I must have thought of something, but I still have to go to the YARD, I jumped out of the window and started back to the place where I could say I found all my possessions.
And heck I don't actually have my bike, I had to climb back up. I'll do this tomorrow. But now something could also be done.
I opened the door to the hallway. I have to be quiet. Mrs. Davis does a lot of sewing and stuff. And now I need a needle and thread and a lot of other things.
I went down the stairs and headed for a chest of drawers. I took out a needle from one drawer and a thread from another.
I climbed the stairs and then headed straight for my abode.
I threaded the needle and took the blue sweatshirt and the red one too. I started sewing them together. Well, I'm still a kid. Well, I sew quite well, but for a child...

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