The Girl With Red Hair And The Boy In Black

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You sit on the edge of your bed in the Slytherin dorms. You think about how you're going to change Riddle. He's already twisted, that's for sure. You must find out how to bring a soft side out of him, make him drink the potion.

You get off your bed and look out the window. The night sky's glistening stars create a nice feeling in your heart. Hogwarts is beautiful, no matter how old it is. You smile at the stars and turn around when Fawkes squarks out to you.

"We'll be out of here soon, Fawkes." You say soothingly to the phoenix. You're lying though. You have no idea when you'll be able to return to your time. Instead of facing the truth, you provide Fawkes with some comfort.

The door to the dorm opens and you see Narcissa enter. "Oh, hello. I thought you got lost." She says and walks over to her bed. "I'm good at finding my way around new places." You say, even though Hogwarts is nothing new to you.

Narcissa looks at you in a way that shows she wants to ask a question. "H-how did you get sorted into all of the houses?" She finally asks. You knew that this question would be asked at some point.

"Trust me, I've been trying to find out for years!" You laugh and instantly realise your mistake. "Years?" Narcissa raises a brow. "Sorry, I meant that I've been trying to figure it out since it happened." You say quickly.

"You seem quite calm about it." Narcissa sits down on her bed and faces you. "Oh, erm...what's the point in panicking? Its not that much of a big deal." You say. The girl laughs. "Oh, it is a big deal. Did you see the boy with raven black hair?" She begins. You nod, knowing who she's talking about.

"He's Tom Riddle. Almost every girl in the school fancies him. You obviously surprised him enough to have him look at you for a while. I saw it." Narcissa smiles that smile that girls do before they gossip their lips off.

"Almost every girl? What about you?" You ask and sit on your bed, facing your new friend. "Well, I...I did fancy him but...I'm in love with someone else." Narcissa's cheeks flush. "Lucius?" You guess, even though you know.

"H-how did you know that?" The girl gets up from her bed quickly, so quick that you jump slightly. "It's not obvious. I'm just good at this kind of stuff." You assure her. Narcissa eyes you for a moment before getting her smile back. "And do you fancy Tom?" She asks.

You're taken aback from the question. "Calm down, I've just got here!" You laugh. Narcissa laughs too and you both end up erupting with giggles. A few more Slytherin girls arrive and you start to feel sleepy. 

Before you close your eyes, Narcissa walks up to you. "I'm glad that you came. I've never really had many friends." She says. You smile at her. "Well, I guess I'm sticking with you. Goodnight." You say. She walks back to her bed and throws the blanket over herself. You do the same and close your eyes.


You wake up the next morning to a soft nip on your nose. Confused, you open your eyes to see Fawkes on top of you. "Fawkes, off you get." You say and gently push him off your body. He squarks softly and nudges you affectionately. 

You get up and see Narcissa's bed empty. You head downstairs into the Slytherin common room and see Riddle with a few other boys. "Hey, look! It's the Hogwarts Princess." A boy calls out. You turn you head and give him a questioning look.

"Haven't you heard? You've been given a name. The Hogwarts Princess. It was going to be the Slytherin Princess but, considering you're in every house, I guess not." The boys steps closer to you. "I've only been here for a few hours. How've I already gotten a name?" You ask.

The boy's eyes widen as if you've asked something quite dumb. Apparently, you had. "How've you gotten a name? You're bloody popular, that's why! Sorted into all the houses, Merlin's Beard!" He puts his hands to his head. 

You see Riddle glaring at you with the expression that you're a puzzle, that he's trying to solve. You look away and leave the common room. You head to the Great Hall. On the the way there, you bump into someone. Someone with red hair.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The redhead squeaks. It's Lily. You remember seeing her last night at the Gryffindor table. "That's alright. It was my bad." You say kindly. You knew that Harry's mother was a very kind and generous woman who always spoke from the heart.

Lily notices who you are and gasps. "Oh! I've bumped into the Hogwarts Princess!" She cries. You cringe a bit, hating your new title. "Please don't call me that. I have a name. And I said it's fine." You say again, just with a bit more of a bitter voice.

Lily nods. You see a boy with black hair behind her. Snape. "Hello." You say to him. Snape jumps a bit, not thinking that you'd talk to him. " Hello." He quietly responds. You turn back to Lily. "Would you like to join me for breakfast? I haven't had any food yet." 

"Severus and I've just had breakfast but, we can still come with you." Lily replies happily. You smile at her and walk to the Great Hall with Snape and her by your side. Lily suddenly frowns when you start to veer towards the Slytherin table.

"Oh, Hogw- Y/N?" She asks. You turn around and stop walking. "Yes?" You answer. "I'm not sure I can sit at the Slytherin table. They don't like me very much because I'm from Gryffindor and I'm muggle-born." Lily says a bit sadly.

"That's a rubbish reason to dislike someone!" You say, anger building up in you. "Don't worry, Lily. I'll just sit at the Gryffindor table instead." You smile. You expect her to look grateful but she looks at you questionably.

"How do you know my name?" She asks. You want to smack yourself. " heard some girls call you that last night." You say, hoping Lily buys your white lie. You remember Dumbledore's rule: never let anyone know you're from the future. 

"Oh, alright. Are you sure you want to sit at the Gryffindor table?" She asks, looking a bit troubled. "Yes, of course. I'm technically in every house, so I can sit anywhere. Why? Is it bad?" You look at the look on Lily's face. 

"Well, it's not's just...we're almost definitely going to be interrupted by a few people." Lily looks at the Gryffindor table and bites her lip. "Interrupted by-" Before you can finish your sentence, you hear someone call out to Lily.

You, Snape and Lily turn around to see a boy with three other friends. You roll your eyes as James Potter struts towards Lily with the rest of the Marauders.

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