Dumbledore's Office

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You head to Dumbledore's office after receiving an owl from him. He was very secretive in the letter so you're quite curious as to why he wants to meet you. You stop at the gargoyle statue and whisper the password that Dumbledore had put on the letter.

The gargoyle spins and you walk up a spiral staircase. You reach the last step and enter the headmaster's office. It's decorated with all sorts of magical objects. A beautiful phoenix stands proudly on his cage.

"Hello there." You say to the phoenix. The majestic bird cries out and spreads his wings, showing off the ruby red flames on each feather. You smile at the animal and reach out to stroke him. The phoenix bows his head so you can easily pet him.

You feel the soft feathers under your fingertips, the heat radiating onto your hand. "Miss Y/L/N, glad to see you." You hear a deep yet calm voice coming from your side. "Hello Professor Dumbledore." You say. You stop stroking the phoenix and give the headmaster your attention.

"I see you admire Fawkes." Dumbledore says. You nod your head. "Yes, he's quite fascinating." You turn back to take another glimpse of the phoenix. "Well, I have some news for you." The wise man walks over to his table and gestures for you to take a seat.

You sit down and face him. "I understand that you are young, Y/N. But, you are also very brave, ambitious, smart and dedicated. You possess one quality from each house. No wonder the Sorting Hat was so confused!"

You wrinkle your nose. You remember the sorting as if it were yesterday...


You walked down the Great Hall with all the other first years. The girl next to you had bushy brown hair, Hermione Granger. While she talked your ear off about how the ceiling was bewitched to look like the night sky, you gazed at the brown hat on a stool.

An old woman with a stern face had a scroll in her hands. It was Minerva McGonagall. "Right, when I call your name, come and sit on the stool so you can be sorted into your house. Abbot, Hannah."

A girl with blonde hair nervously approached McGonagall and sat down. The hat was placed on her head and it shouted out, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Hannah smiled happily and rushed off to the Hufflepuff table. "Bones, Susan." Susan was made another Hufflepuff and she quickly raced over to Hannah and sat down with her. "Y/L/N, Y/N." The hair on the back of your neck stood up as you made your way over to the stool.

You sat down and the hat was placed on your head. "Hmm, interesting. Very interesting. GRYFFINDOR!" The Sorting Hat shouted. Before McGonagall could take it off your head, it shrieked again. "RAVENCLAW! SLYTHERIN! HUFFLEPUFF!"

Everyone stared at you. "T-that is not p-possible." McGonagall stuttered. You saw Dumbledore stand up from his seat. "How extraordinary." He said in his mystical grandpa voice. You didn't enjoy the looks everyone gave you.

You seized the hat and took it off your head. You then walked out of the hall.


"Where are you going with this, professor?" You ask. Dumbledore smiles, you can notice a hint of guilt in his eyes. "You have been chosen for a mission." He says. You raise an eyebrow. "Forgive me, Y/N. You've been chosen to take the time turner and travel back to when Voldemort was a teenager. You need to fix him, make him ordinary."

You give Dumbledore an odd look. "Time turner? Voldemort? Ordinary? What?" You're wondering whether you've heard him right. "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." You do know what he's talking about. Except, you don't know whether Dumbledore really means it.

"Are you up for it, Y/N?" You stare blankly at the headmaster. You've been chosen for something so important. You wonder why Hermione isn't chosen for it instead. You slightly smirk, thinking about how Hermione would react when she realises that you're better.

This is important. And dangerous, very dangerous. "I...um...yes. I'm up for it." You say after thinking about it for a few minutes. Dumbledore's eyes light up. He immediately walks over to a drawer and mutters a spell that opens it.

He sticks his hand into the drawer and pulls out something gold. A time turner. "Take it. You must turn it 53 times. Remember, never let anyone know that you own this and be careful." Dumbledore then hands you a small vial.

"You must get Voldemort to drink this. He was born because his father was conceived under a love potion. This potion will break that and allow him to feel emotions."

"You mean, allow him to feel weak." You say. "No, feelings don't make you weak, Y/N. If anything, they make you stronger." Dumbledore smiles. "When you turn the dial 53 times, you will be transported outside Headmaster Dippet's office. He will take care of everything afterwards."

You nod. Before you turn the dial, you take a look at Fawkes again. Dumbledore notices. "If it makes you feel better, Fawkes may come with you." "Won't that look odd?" You ask him. "It'll look magnificent." The headmaster smiles.

You smile back and extend you arm. Fawkes flies over to you and rests on it. You take the small vial and wrap the time turner around your neck and Fawkes'. You take one last glance at Dumbledore and start turning the dial.

Everything goes black. You feel your body being sucked through some sort of portal. This is it. You either complete this mission or most likely die. At least Fawkes will be with you.

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