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Your eyes go wide as you see the Slytherins laugh at you and Tom. You can tell that your face has gone red due to the massive amount of embarrassment you have right now. Beside you, Tom's face is straight. It's hard to make out any emotions he has, probably because he has none. You feel as if you are frozen in place, as if you cannot move even though your brain is telling you to get up.

Behind the crowd of green robes, a lively redhead pushes to the front and takes your hands. Lily pulls you up off the floor and out of the broomstick cupboard. She puts an arm around your shoulder and snaps at the Slytherins who keep wolf whistling. She walks you away from them, away from Tom.

"You poor thing! Trapped in there with that monster!" She exclaims, giving you a look of sympathy. Still feeling shocked about what happened, you stay quiet, which only makes Lily more concerned. "Did he do something to you? If he hurt you, I'll rip hi-" "I'm fine!" You shout, feeling annoyed about what kind of rumours will be spread the next day, or even tomorrow.

"What took you guys so long to find us anyway?" You understand that you're actually quite upset that it took nearly an hour for your 'caring' classmates to realise that you and Tom were missing. Lily has a guilty look on her face. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. When you went to get the broomsticks with Tom, a first year accidentally kicked off his broom." 

You take a second to remember how Neville Longbottom did this in his first year. You smile to yourself before replacing it with a straight face. "He went flying everywhere and knocked every other student over, making them release their brooms. So, we all had to help the professor harness every single rogue broomstick." Lily explains.

You can tell that she's telling the truth. Her hair is ruffled up from the wind, her cheeks are a bright pink colour and her she's breathing a bit heavily. "I really am sorry, Y/N." Lily says once more. She pulls you into an embrace and you hug her back. How can you not forgive her? "It's alright. I actually managed to get a conversation started with him." You say.

Lily gives you an odd look. "With Tom? You know he's not a good person, Y/N." She says, clearly concerned for you. You wave her concern away. "He's just a guy who's had a really messed up childhood." You try reasoning with Lily, but she doesn't give in. After all, she is right. Tom Riddle is to grow up to be the Dark Lord. Evil, noseless and powerful.

"Come on, let's go to the library. The professor decided that the first years were far too reckless to continue with broomstick lessons so we don't have to help them. Which also means that we have the rest of the day to ourselves." She looks excited by this. You guess you are too. "Okay, let's go."

You head to the library with Lily, hoping to find a book that's worth reading. You think of Hermione and how eager she always was to get her body in the library. Lily isn't very much different from her, at all. You laugh on the inside thinking about how jealous Hermione would be if she found out that you get to be in the library for the day.

When you reach the library, you find a cosy corner to sit in while Lily searches for a good book. You eye every shelf, wondering what kind of book will catch your attention. At last, you notice it. A thick book with a black leather cover. It seems to be illuminating some source of light from the pages. Only problem is, it's on the very top shelf. 

You reach into your pockets for your wand but you remember that you didn't bring it with you. You're about to ask Lily for her wand when you see Tom pull his wand out and bring the book down himself. You watch as it makes it way down from the top shelf and into his hands. "I was actually going to get that." You say.

Tom looks at the book and then at you. "You were actually gawking at it, therefore, I took it." He says in his usual cold tone. You're annoyed that your conversation in the broomstick cupboard hasn't made him any softer towards you. "I was not gawking." You mutter to yourself. "Yes, you were." Tom says.

He then raises his wand back up at the top shelf and brings another book down. "Perhaps you should read books that are more suitable for your age." He snarls, throwing the book he got just got down at you. "And your ability." He then turns with a dramatic cloak swift and exits the library.

You look at the cover of the book he threw at you. Beginners Guide to Very Easy Spells. How dare he. Lily returns with four books hugged against her chest, smiling brightly. "I found the best romance books! You should read one, after I'm done with them, of course." She doesn't notice the very annoyed look you have on your face and settles down into a comfy chair.

The fire crackles in the section of the library next to you, making you feel warm. Too bothered to get up and choose another book, you start reading the one Tom gave you. To your surprise, you don't even know some of the spells listed in it, which makes you feel a bit embarrassed. Lily occasionally stops you reading so she can swoon over some fictional men and rant about the woman sabotaging the main character's relationship.

When it's about time to go to the Great Hall for dinner, Lily picks out a few more books and gives you a few. You don't know how she's going to manage carrying ten books in her arms. You are excited to see how Narcissa's day went, even if she only spent it in the Hospital Wing. You sit at the Slytherin table and wave your friend over. Her white and black hair sways as she rushes over to you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, looking like one of those gossiping girls who talk their mouths off. You raise a brow. "Tell you what?" You push your plate aside and take a sip of your pumpkin juice. "That you're dating Tom Riddle of course!" She squeals. You spit your juice out and start coughing. "I'm doing what now?" You keep coughing and Narcissa pats your back.

"Don't try to misdirect me, Y/N! I heard that you were found in the broomstick cupboard with Tom Riddle!" She smiles but also looks a bit hurt that you didn't tell her anything. Stunned, you try to speak but no words come out. "I..but...that's...not." You look back at your plate and feel sick.

The rumours have already started.

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