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Sorry I took so long to update. Enjoy! <3

You stay in the darkness, hearing heavy breathing beside you. Is Tom claustrophobic? You don't think so, but could he be? Not knowing how he'd react, you turn to him, his face barely visible due to the darkness.

"Are you okay?" You ask slowly. "No I am not." He snarls at you. "Oh, um...are you claustropho-" "I am in a small cupboard with you, the most idiot witch I've ever met." Tom's voice is sharp, it cuts like a knife.

"I am not idiotic for your information. I am quite smart." You say back. You can hear Tom scoff. "You call me idiotic but you didn't even think about bringing your wand?" You continue saying, hoping to defend yourself from Tom's harsh comments.

"I didn't bring my wand because I thought I wouldn't have to do anything with you." Tom is clearly annoyed. "Well you thought wrong." You say. "You are very idiotic and that is a fact. Most likely inherited it from your mother." Tom says coldly.

His last sentence makes you burst with fury. Your hands reach for his neck. "Do not talk about my mother!" You hiss, grabbing Tom's neck. Shocked and surprised, he throws you off of him and bangs against the wall of the cupboard.

"Are you mental?" He yells at you. You stay on the ground, fighting back tears. You do not want to remember your mother. Tom notices you sniffling. "What are you crying about? I was the one who was attacked." He says, still in a cold voice.

"Shut up." You say, now crying. Tom groans. "Stop your useless crying. It won't get you anything and it's very annoying." Despite his words, you continue to cry. "It's something about your mother isn't it?" He asks.

You nod your head. "Y-yes." Tom nods his head once. "I'm sorry to say that I really do not care." His words make you stare at him in disbelief. "You are a horrible, horrible person. You don't care about anyone besides yourself." You cry.

Tom nods his head again. "That is true, and I am successful because of that. Why should I care about anyone else, if no one cares about me? But you know what? I don't need anyone to care for me, because I have learnt that being dependent is being weak." 

You wipe your tears. "How do you know that no one cares about you?" You ask him, your voice sounding a bit nasally after crying. Tom lowers down so that his eyes are level to yours. "Because I do and I don't care if they don't."

"That's not true. I'm sure that....that if you had someone to love-" "LOVE IS A WEAKNESS!" Tom suddenly shouts, making you jump back in fear. "Love takes up your time, wastes it all and when its done playing with you, it takes away your emotions and leaves you. All it does is make you weak, useless and pathetic."

You realise how you said something along the lines of this to Dumbledore.

"This potion will break that and allow him to feel emotions."

"You mean, allow him to feel weak?"

You watch Tom, now knowing why he was breathing so heavily. Because he's mad, angry, he's furious. You can't let him be, especially not at you, or he'll already have you dead before you can have a nice conversation with him.

"S-sorry." You say quietly. Tom sighs and sits down about a metre away from you. "I was conceived under a love potion, you see. I am not capable of feeling proper emotions or feelings." You're very surprised when he starts saying this. "Then let me help y-"

"And I am doing perfectly fine without them." He says before you can finish talking. He stands up and tries pushing against the door himself. The same outcomes, it doesn't open. He sits back down and looks up at the roof of the cupboard.

"My mother died when I was young. So did my father. I was raised in an orphanage where no one liked me because I was....different." This news makes Tom look at you. "Which orphanage?" He asks. "Wool's Orphanage." You answer.

Tom's eyes go a bit wide. "That's where I was raised. How come I never saw you?" "I was always going in and out of that place. I never got to really meet anyone, because they judged me before they got to know me." You say.

You aren't exactly lying. You were raised in Wool's Orphanage, just fifty years after Tom was. You stare at the big door in front of you. "What's taking them so long? We've been in here for nearly an hour now." You say, changing the topic.

Feeling stronger than before, you ram into the door, only to fall back. You close your eyes as you're about to hit the ground but you don't. Tom's arm in around your waste and he places you down slowly. "Thanks." You say, very aware that you're almost as red as a tomato.

Thank goodness that you can barely see in this cupboard. "What about you? What's your story?" You ask Tom. You already know about it, but you want to hear his version of it. After all, he was the one who experienced it, not Dumbledore or anyone else in the Ministry of Magic. 

You can make out Tom hesitating as to whether he can trust you or not. "My father left me before I was born and my mother died during childbirth. I too was raised in Wool's Orphanage. The children there didn't like me either. They were rude to me, so in return, I hurt them." A malicious glint is in his eyes.

"A-as you should." You say. You don't believe he should've at all but if you're going to make him trust you enough to drink a potion that he does not know of, you're going to have to make him happy or pleased.

"I'm sorry too, about your parents, I mean." You say softly. Tom turns to you. "Don't be. They never gave me any reason to care about them. Let's just get out of this cupboard." He says almost straight after your apology. 

"How?" The moment you say this, the door opens and a few giggling Slytherins stare at you.

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