The Secret Admirer

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You stay with Narcissa, her weeping figure looming over you. She forgives you and understands how you got so worked up. "I'm really sorry." You keep saying. Narcissa waves your twenty fifth apology away.

"I told you, I forgive you. It's Lucius you should be apologising to." You wrinkle your nose. Although you feel madly sorry for what you did to him, you still feel a pang of anger. "Yeah, alright." You say, hiding all your bitterness.

After Narcissa calms down, she comes with you for potions. Yes, potions while being seated next to Tom Riddle. You groan at the sight of all the eyes narrowing at you. Some first years yelp and desperately try to get out of your way.

A second year accidentally drops her books on the ground in fear of spotting you. You bend down and pick up the books for her. "Here you go." You give her a warm smile but the girl does not look grateful at all.

She looses all colour in her face and snatches the books from you before sprinting down the hallway. You sigh and Narcissa sends you a small smile, symbolising sympathy. You give her a weak smile back and enter the potions classroom.

You sit down in your seat, where Tom is already seated. He leans over to you. "I save you from getting expelled, let you join the Slug Club and you just walk out of the first meeting?" His tone is not happy at all, but then again, when is it ever?

"I'm sorry, but everyone was talking about a really bad topic. I didn't want to hear any of it." You say, defending yourself. "I won't walk out again. I promise, no matter how intense the conversation topic gets. Pinky swear."

You lift up your pinky finger and Tom makes a face at your action. "Why are you holding your finger up? What is pinky swear? Who is that?" He asks in his usual cold voice. You have to physically stop yourself from laughing.

It's very amusing to see how confused Tom is when talking about muggle things. He growls deeply, waiting for you to answer him. "It's a promise that you can't break. You're meant to wrap your pinky finger around mine so the promise is sealed." You explain.

"I will do no such thing. Keep your filthy muggle things away from me." He snarls and whacks your extended finger out of the way. You huff and turn the other way. So much for trying to be nice.

You finally notice the small envelope on your desk. It has a ruby red ribbon wrapped around it and a heart on the front. You cringe at the sight of it. Must be another love letter for Tom from some wannabe fan of his.

You pick up the envelope and give it to Tom, who looks highly irritated. "It's not from me. Don't get your hopes up." You say, rolling your eyes at his annoyed manner. Tom unwillingly takes it and opens it. You can see how bad he wants to set whoever sent him it on fire.

You glance the other way, wanting to give him some privacy while reading his 'letter'. What you didn't expect was for Tom to completely chuck the letter at your head. "Ow! Why'd you-"

"Because you clearly can't tell the difference between my name and yours." He points to the corner of the letter, which has your name beautifully printed on it. Your eyes widen. Who would send a love letter to you?

You pick up the letter and read it...

To the most beautiful person I've ever met, Y/N,

The moment I laid my eyes on you, I fell in love. You're just so beautiful. Your eyes, your smile, your nose and everything about you is what I desire most. I've seen you laugh, it looked magnificent. And I saw you totally beat that blonde guy from Slytherin. I've seen you with your friends. I look at you like how James looks at Lily.

My only small concern is that you won't like me back. For who I am, is too dangerous for you. And I'm really hoping that you are not already attracted to Tom Riddle. It's a curse honestly. Every single girl who's in this ruddy school is immediately hypnotised by that snake!

Anyway, I will reveal myself at some point. Just so you know, if by fate we ever get a chance together, I will always love you.


Your very secret admirer who is so in love with you,

You stare at the letter, really shocked. You check the name again to make sure it's yours and not some other girl's name that you read incorrectly. Tom scoffs. "Happy are we?" You roll your eyes. "It's my life, Tom. Mine." You hiss at him.

You quickly scan your eyes around the room. Maybe your secret admirer is in here right now? Then you realise something. You check the letter again and read the line you were after.

'I look at you like how James looks at Lily.'

Your secret admirer must be someone who's friends with James. Even though you're not the biggest fan of James, you feel glad that someone actually sees you for something else other than the girl who nearly killed Lucius Malfoy.

With a small sigh and a big longing to find out who your secret admirer is, you fold up the letter and tuck it away into your robes. Slughorn starts talking about potions that can help you before exams and something about love potions.

You don't pay attention. You're crossing off the names of boys in your year group who are friends with arrogant James Potter. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew are the number one suspects.

Although, you kind of doubt that they'd like you if you hate their best friend. You keep in mind that Pettigrew betrays the Potters later in the future. You might have to deal with him because even if you can't stop Tom, you can stop Pettigrew from bringing Voldemort back.

You realise how getting a secret admirer has added a lot more stress and work for you. You repeatedly tell yourself...

You're here to stop him.

You're here to stop him

But, what about my secret admir- no!

You're here to stop him.

You're here to stop Tom Marvolo Riddle from becoming the darkest wizard of all time. And, that sounds like quite a lot of work.

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