Lucius's Duel

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You listen to the professor drone on about the history of magic while you jitter about, excited for the duel. Lily's sitting next to you. "Why are you so fidgety?" She asks. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know. I just want this lesson to end already." You reply.

"Miss Y/L/N and Miss Evans, this is important. Stop talking." The old professor scolds you and your friend. Lily giggles quietly and you do the same. A few more minutes pass and you hear the words you've been wanting to hear. "Class dismissed."

You get up from your seat immediately and run out of the classroom, accidentally pushing someone over in the process. You get to the courtyard and see Lucius arrive with his friends a bit after you. He walks over to you. "Are you ready? We'll start when Narcissa comes."

You nod your head and as if on cue, Narcissa excitedly walks into the courtyard, spotting Lucius. You quickly stand opposite the blonde man and draw your wand out. A few students gather. "Narcissa! I want to show you just how powerful I am. Watch me defeat Y/N, for you." Lucius says confidently.

Narcissa's blushing but she looks a bit scared for you. "Get into position!" Lucius bellows. Both of you have your wands out and bow. And the duels starts. "Stupefy!" You yell. Lucius dodges the spell and hits you instead. You skid across the ground and groan, but you get back up.

You notice that Tom is among the crowd. You bite your lip, trying to decide on what to do. Do you let Lucius win so he can claim his love for Narcissa? Or do you win, embarrass Lucius but impress Tom and hopefully get closer to him?

You don't have much time to think. You decide to go easy on Lucius for now. "Levicorpus!" Lucius yells. You sigh, purposely taking the hit. The spell hurts like a bullet. You hear people cheer for the blonde man. The things you do for people and their love lives.

You take a small glance at Tom. He's frowning. Shouldn't he be happy that his 'friend' is winning? Or does he want you do win? Maybe he wants you to prove himself. But why would he? He hates you and you think he's a prat.

Lucius hits you with yet another spell and you go rolling on the ground. People laugh at the sight of the 'Hogwarts Princess' being humbled. Little did they know that you're just acting like the prey for now. Even Lucius laughs at you.

He thinks that this is your best. "Look how pathetic she is!" He cackles. Hold on, he never said he would be rude. You feel anger building up inside of you. "Like a little mouse, so weak!" He continues to sneer. "Maybe she wasn't sorted into a proper house because she doesn't belong in any! She's too weak!" Lucius smirks.

That's done it. You get up and hit him straight with a spell. "Stupefy!" You yell. He falls over, but you're not done with him. "Confringo!" Flames shoot out of your wand. "Levicorpus!" Lucius staggers across the courtyard, trying not to pass out.

Narcissa's face is full of horror. She shouts for you to stop, but you can't. You feel so mad. You feel so furious. You feel you want to...kill. "Avada Ke-" You stop halfway, throwing your wand on the ground and staring at your palms. What are you doing?

A few people from the crowd help Lucius up and take him to the Hospital Wing while others stare at you, all scared to death. Meanwhile, Tom's smirking, almost smiling. You find yourself smirking with him. What is wrong with you?

Some Slytherins take your wand and try to calm you down, but you push them away and run. You run out of the school, to the tree by the Black Lake. You cry so hard that your head starts to throb. You nearly killed someone. The same question repeats in your head.

What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with you?

"I don't know." You say whisper to yourself. Hot tears roll down your cheeks and you struggle to see straight. You hear footsteps approaching you. Probably some professor coming to expel you or something.

"That was quite a remarkable performance." A deep voice says. You whip around to see Tom standing behind you. "W-what are you doing here?" You try talking normally but you still cry. "Don't tell me that you're upset after that duel. You won." Tom says.

"I nearly killed him!" You sob. "So?" Tom replies, genuinely questioning you. You stare at him, shocked. "What do you mean 'so'? I almost killed someone! I almost became a murderer." You start crying again and you can tell that Tom is uncomfortable.

"Being a murderer is better than nothing." He says after a few seconds. "Can't you see that I'm crying over here?" You wipe some of your tears. "Yes and I do not care." This man really knows how to rile people up.

"Why are you even here?" You say again, a bit more snappy this time. Tom gets something out of his pocket and hands it to you. "You left your wand after you won. Don't worry about your punishments, I'll talk to the headmaster." Tom starts to walk away.

"Wait! Why are you being so nice? Well, not as rude as last time." You ask. Tom turns so only half of his face is shown to you. "Because you have proven yourself worthy."

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