Hospital Wing

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You lay on a bed in the Hospital Wing while thinking about Tom. He clearly dislikes you, so how will you get him to trust you and drink the bloody potion? Yes, you managed to get medical attention after threatening James if he didn't take you to where you needed to go.


"Try to be a bit more careful, will you?" You hiss at James, as he struggles to lift you. Weak boy, you think to yourself. "Please don't tell Lily that I did this." James says. You snort. "Lily? Why would I tell your crush about me threatening you to take me to the Hospital Wing?" You ask.

James stops and looses his grip on you. You hit the ground with a thud and give him a death stare. "H-how did you know?" He stutters. "You just told me." You say smugly, knowing if you'd ever tell someone that you have a time turner, it would never be James Potter.

"Now pick me up and hurry." You point your wand at him again. James quickly musters up his strength and lifts you, his face red. You eventually get to the Hospital Wing and he straight up throws you onto a bed.

Before he can leave, you accio him back. "Wait, Potter." You say. James is a prankster and loves humiliating people. He'll most likely tell everyone he knows about seeing you crawling on the ground. "Obliviate." You say quietly, erasing his memories of everything that happened in the last ten minutes.

James's eyes roll back before fixing on you. "What am I doing here?" He asks. "With you?" He adds in disgust. "Get out of here." You say sternly, still holding your wand straight at him. James shoots you a dirty look before leaving.


You close your eyes and feel a sudden wave of sleepiness come over you. The world goes dark and by the time you open your eyes again, the candles have been blown and you're left alone. The Hospital Wing looks quite creepy when you're in it at night.

Thanks to the ward who took care of your injury, you're able to get up and walk around. Limping, you head over to a bed with a curtain covering something. For a second, you hear the laughter of a child.

Something runs past you. You shiver, feeling a tingle of coldness run down your spine. "You're alone." You say, trying to reassure yourself. Again, a fit of laughter. Not happy laughter, the kind of laughter that you hear in Muggle horror movies.

Something brushes past you. You feel soft fabric touch your skin. Goosebumps form everywhere on your body. "You're not alone." You finally say to yourself and quickly dash to bed, where you left your wand.

Someone grabs your wrist and you whirl around and punch the person's face. "Ow! You daft dimbo!" A familiar voice snarls at you. Grabbing your wand when you have the chance, you cast a spell. "Lumos." You say. 

Tom's handsome face is shown from the darkness of the room. "Trying to kill me?" You ask, truly in shock. "What are you doing here?" Tom asks bitterly. The audacity of the man! "I got a spell to my stomach didn't I? You didn't even take me here!" You hiss.

"Yes, because why should I help you?" Tom walks past you and pulls back the curtain from that one bed. "Why are you here?" You ask, suddenly aware that his appearance in the Hospital Wing is very odd. "That, is none of your business." Tom looks around the area before heading to the exit.

"You darn spooked me! I have right to know why you nearly gave me a heart attack." You reply harshly. Tom turns around, a small smirk on his face. "Why, I just wanted to check up on you." He says.

Not buying it, you scoff. "And I'm here because I wanted to laugh at all the people with injuries." You say sarcastically. "That's one of my hobbies." Tom says seriously. You gawk at him. He's so cruel but so attractive at the same time.

"I don't believe you. Why are you actually here?" You cross your arms.  Tom suddenly walks towards you at full speed and pins you against a wall. "Like I said, I came to check on you." He says, staring into you soul. 

You know that you're blushing like hell right now. "Isn't that right?" He growls, his face getting closer to yours. "Y-yes." You find yourself stuttering. A big smirks appears on Tom's face and he draws back. "As if you thought I would check up on a pathetic witch like you." He snarls.

Once again, he leaves you stunned. How do you keep letting him play you like this? The control that man has on you is way beyond the limit. Not to mention how embarrassing that was! You feel your heartbeat slow down and sit on the bed.

The walls feel like they're caving in and you start breathing heavily. Your heartbeat stops getting slower, it's gets faster. You feel like you're trapped. Hating what's happening right now, you run out of the Hospital Wing, still limping.

You try taking big deep breaths but you end up feeling worse. Avoiding every professor in the dark hallways, you make your way outside. You walk to the Black Lake. It's always been your comfort place.

You slump down on the trunk of a tree and watch the peaceful lake, aware of the dangerous creatures in it. You don't mind though, you've always liked creatures.  You instantly feel better and hear a squark. You look up and see Fawkes flying down to you. He rests on your arm.

"Hello, Fawkes. How'd you get out of the dorm?" You stroke the phoenix as he makes himself comfortable. You're glad that Dumbledore let you take Fawkes on the mission. He gently cuddles into your neck and the heat from his body warms you.

You close you eyes, deciding that you'd sleep outdoors for the night. You don't want to stay in a building for a bit. The stars shine bright, crickets chirp, the giant squid splashes in the lake and you cuddle with Fawkes, drifting off to sleep.

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