Beginning 1/2- EXPLORATION 😶

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A/N: Here it is! The first part of this book! Enjoy...🙂

Kinara's POV


"Kona beta! Come help us unload your books!"

"Coming, Amma!"

Kinara went to the moving van and helped her Amma get the carton of books off of it.

"There, beti. That was the last of it?" Her Amma called that last part out.

"Yep!" came the reply from Kinara's Appa.

Kinara surveyed the driveway. It was cloudy, and the late afternoon sun sent spiderwebs of shadow darkening the gravel.

"Amma, if there's nothing to do, can I roam around for a bit?" asked Kinara.

"Sure, come back by 7!"

"I will, Amma."

Kinara walked over to her bike and set off.

A short time later, she reached the in-neighbourhood market. The sidewalks were more lively here. A small restaurant seemed to be bursting with people. Even from a fair distance away, she could hear friendly calls and clatter.

Kinara shivered.

Recently, any place that was overcrowded and noisy was a problem for her. This- this phobia, it randomly sprang up about three months ago. Kinara had no idea why.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kona saw a narrow path branch off the main road. She braked, biting her lip in consideration.

OF COURSE she followed it. Soon, the path became grassy, so she parked her bike nearby, and continued following it. It led to a small wooded area. The trees shaded over the small clearing. Ahead, the trees were too dense to go through. The air was fresh, and best of all, there were no people. There was complete and utter silence. She exhaled, deflating with it. 

She sat down, and savoured the rare moment of silence. Then she snapped her head up. Was that wind in the trees, or someone moving through the leaves on the forest floor?

"What are you doing here, child?"

Kona sprang up and turned. To her left, in the trees' shadows, was a man. He looked around 30, and was handsome despite the torn clothes he was wearing. Kona was immediately on guard. This man tickled a familiar feeling of unsettlement. Suddenly, the image of two kindly looking eyes flashed before her: one brown, one blue. Where had she seen them before?

"I'm sorry, I must have startled you. I simply wanted to know why you came into my clearing." He grinned. "I don't usually get many visitors."

"Wait, you live here?"

"What? No, of course not. I live nearby, came here for a breather. Everyone comes here for a breather. Are you new? I know most of the people in this neighbourhood."

"Yep. I'm Kona. Don't like the noise so much."

"Don't we all. Name's Sunny. I think."
He laughed. Kona smiled out of politeness. She decided to leave. "Alright, I have to go. Goodbye!"

Kona smiled and went back to her bike. Making her way out of the path, she found that the sun was setting. She pedaled past the restaurant, and stopped. Kona glanced at the pizzeria, and, on a whim, walked in.

It was as loud and noisy as it looked from the outside. The place looked good, with plenty of customers. Kona inhaled deeply. The place smelled like pizza, yum.

Kona looked around. There were no one-seating or even two-seating tables left. She found a four-seating table and ordered a Thums Up. Don't ask why. She had no idea.

As she waited, Kona looked around. The place was clean and smelled good, like cheese and frosting. I wonder if they sell that as a scent, she thought idly. It faintly reminded her of something. Kona bowed her head. What was happening to her? She'd experience deja vu for things she had never done before in her whole entire life! Kona took a deep breath. "Excuse me." said a voice.  She lifted her eyes.

A girl about her age stood, holding an unopened bottle of Thums Up. "Your order?"

"Yes! Yes..." The girl's eyes crinkled. "Are you new here? You look about my age, but I've never seen you before..."

"Yep, that figures. I moved here last week, and I'll start school in another week, so I haven't met anyone around my age yet. I'm Kinara, by the way."

"My friends call me Zuzu. Everyone calls me Zuzu. Why are you sitting alone?" This was rattled off at an astonishing speed. Zuzu's eyes widened in excitement. "Wait. You can sit with us!"


"Well, my shift is almost over, and my friends are waiting for me. You can come sit with us!"

Kona bit her lip. "Sure!"

Zuzu laughed, leading her away from the table. "Come on. Your drink was my last order before my shift's end. My friends will be right... here."

Okie, gonna end right there for now. I'm gonna try to update every monday (because the first part dropped on a monday) but be warned; I'm an unpredictable person, so you may get the chapter randomly, at any time.

Vote. Comment. The works and all.



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