'Hands' |Sal x Travis|

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TW!! $uic1de, blood, mentions of violence, injuries, overall very detailed explicit content

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - 988
$elf H4rm Hotline - 741741
(Take care of yourself <3)
August 30th, 1995, 4:57am

     Warm, salty tears dripped down Sals scarred cheeks, whilst he cradled his lover in his arms. Sal held him close, holding on for dear life, or at least Travis' dear life. He clutched the once magenta sweater, now stained with red, quickly transferring to his shaking hands and brown-red jeans, not seeming to care in the slightest, trying to blink away the blur of his eye.

     His head was spinning, making him dizzy, nausea starting to settle in the pit of his stomach. Sal gritted his teeth, feeling like he was about to vomit up the lump in his throat. His singular reddened eye stung painfully, as tears dripped onto Travis' tanned skin. Sal's voice cracked as he tried to scream at Larry to call 911 from his cracked phone he dropped after forcing the door open.

     All noise was blocked from his ears. The sound of Larry's panicked, gagging voice as he called the ambulance, the sounds of the sirens blaring outside, the front door being swung open, followed by loud voices and quick, heavy footsteps. Even the sounds of his own sobs and pleading to the unconscious boy in his arms, to wake up, to be okay, to let this all be a sick nightmare, to live. All he could focus on was Travis, his shallow breathing and slowing heartbeat, his pale face. He was cold, so cold.

     As the paramedics carefully picked up
Travis' limp body and placed him on the stretcher, Sal was left, sitting on his knees, on the bloody, carpeted floor. Blood covered hands in his lap, open, holding someone who is no longer there.

     What Sal would give to hug Travis, to kiss him, to whisper sweet nothings into his ear one more time. He wanted to tell Travis how much he loved him, and he wanted to hear Travis' sweet voice to say it back. He wanted to stare into Travis' soft, black eyes for hours into a time, and for Travis to stare back at his. He wanted to lay on top of Travis' chest, to melt into his body and soak in all his heat, without needing a single word spoken.

     Sal wanted to hold Travis' hands, the very same hands that had once held him off the ground, as his skin turned different shades of blue, red and purple, the hands that had left fingerprint shaped bruises from its grip, yet the same hands that Sal now held with love, the only hands that willingly cupped his face and held onto him as if he would crumble into dust if they let go. While still being the same hands that should've never gotten hold of a gun.

     Sal desperately wanted tell Travis that everything would be okay, that as long as Sal was with him, he would never be harmed again, for that to be true. Unfortunately, the one person Travis loved the most forgot to consider that the one person that Sal forgot to protect him from, was himself.

     All that Sal had left, was to lie his hand on top of the one that was once tight around his throat, yet the same hand that became the one Sal had held in his own, now attached to an IV drip and a blood transfusion. The boy Sal once held dear, now hooked up to machines to keep him alive.

-594 words

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