'Cafeteria Crush' |Larry x Phillip|

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October 8th, 1992, 12:15pm

Phillip sat on the foldable bench which remained in the back of a loud, overcrowded lunchroom, swinging his legs back and forth in his seat due to his inability to keep his restless body grounded. The blonde haired boy sitting on his far left lingered in his peripheral vision while Phillip picked at the skin around his thumb absentmindedly. The painfully bland cafeteria food was more or less unappetizing than usual, so Phillip figured he would live if he simply didn't eat that putrid bologna sandwich.

Pulling his dark lilac mp3 player out of the front pocket of his tattered black slacks, he plugged in a pair of scarlet red earbuds, pushing back his short, azure blue hair to fit each earbud into his ear. Powering it on, he pulled up his playlist of a variety of songs, the first song being "Lithium" by Nirvana. Phillip allowed himself to space out as more and more students piled into the lunchroom, leaving the lunch-line packed with irritatingly loud voices to produce enough decibels of sound to shatter the eardrums of any human being.

Along with the rest of the crowd, a particular group of individuals all pushed through the doors of the cafeteria, a group of six. One of those people stood out to Phillip, someone he barley even knew, but someone Phillip was oddly drawn to. Larry, a tall, spanish boy that walked next to a short, masked boy with long, blue hair. Along with a tall ginger with curly hair and rounded glasses. Phillip couldn't help but at least give a second glance at Larry, although they had exchanged only a few words, his laid-back demeanor and long, dark brown mullet, like a dark curtain covering the nape of his neck, Phillip found that it was oddly alluring. The nose piercing he had gotten himself in trouble for a numerous amount of times, and those long, dark eyelashes that casted shadows over Larry's deep brown eyes. The nonchalant attitude he put on like the same beige band shirt he wore at least every other day, Phillip couldn't help but wanting to get to know Larry.

It sounds as ridiculous as it is, like a hallway crush, except in the school cafeteria. Although Phillip was aware of this, as he had attempted to simply forget about his feelings. He had made an effort tell himself that his idea of befriending his cafeteria crush was merrily an irrational wish, yet his efforts were in vain. Since one part of him, the stupidest little part of him, is still going to hold on to that paperclip thin chance that one day, he'll be less of a stranger to Larry.

Until that day, Phillip will continue sitting there, surrounded by loud and obnoxious strangers, his head resting upon the palm of his hand, his soft gaze fixated on that long brown head of hair, hoping to catch a glance of those bagged brown eyes. So for now, he'll simply admire from afar, longingly, at the guy who didn't even know his name.

-503 words

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