'Coffee Breath' |Neil x Todd|

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TW!! Slight overstimulation
CW!! Fluff, Todd and Neil being adorable :)
December 4th, 1994, 4:37am

  An unkempt puff of curly red hair laid still, pervasive across the pillow, as the young man's chest would rise and fall with each breath. The obnoxiously loud beeping of the digital alarm clock, set for 4:35 barely three hours prior, forced the eyes open of Todd, eyes still red and puffy from sleep. The ear piercing noise rang in his ears like a bell clashing inside his skull, the flickering red light of the digital clock read '4:37AM'. He never really wanted to get out of bed so early, as he never got the typical amount of sleep a human should, but something about today made it achingly difficult for Todd to peel himself off of his mattress and get ready for his 6am classes. He still hadn't gotten use to waking up so early, as he would wake up at 7am for high-school. However, his university classes were so early to the point where it would be a miracle if any of the students weren't fatigued with exhaustion and stress.

     Todd briefly glanced at the side of the bed in which had been left empty, a small portion of the blanket tossed to the side and a pillow with an indent in which Todd's boyfriend had rested his head barley 30 minutes ago as the beeping only got more and more unbearable. Todd, reached his limp arm out to pat the side table, feeling around for his circular glasses, due to the fact that he was practically blind in the dark and without his glasses on. The wired frame of the temple from his glasses were caught in his hand, unfolding them and adjusting the glasses to sit comfortably on his face. The cotton and polyester curtains sat and swayed with the slightest gust of wind, leaving the clear, glass window panes visible, revealing the still-dark night sky. Stars were dotted along the navy canvas of clouds and the luminary light of the crescent moon, which would merely last a limited amount of time.

     Ultimately getting sick of the seemingly endless and repetitive beeping of the alarm, Todd pressed the button, which switched off the irritating noise. After a moment used to collect himself, Todd forced himself to get up by shoving himself up and holding his sore, tired body up on his arms with an aggravated grunt. Todd brushed his messy set of red curls out of his face as he sucked in a deep breath, accepting the fact that he had to get up and get himself ready for class. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed himself off the bed, one hand held onto the nightstand as he attempted to balance himself, his legs still weak and wobbly. Nearly tripping over his sweatpants, Todd stumbled his way over to the door of him and his boyfriend's bedroom, grabbing a hold of the door knob and twisting it, the light that peaked underneath the crack of the door illuminated the dark room as he pulled open the door. Todd's pupils suddenly constricted from the bright lights, as if it was a flash-bang that had instantly blinded him. His eyes clamped shut for a short moment, slowly opening them and dragging himself over towards the kitchen.

     Neil had been in the kitchen making a pot of coffee, as he knew Todd would be exhausted due to the copious amount of homework Todd has been assigned and had stayed up far too late to complete, 1:40am to be exact. Along with how no matter how much sleep Neil managed to get, he'd still be tired the next day. Even though he wakes up early almost everyday, he still hates being so tired despite his sleep schedule. The closer Todd got towards the kitchen, the stronger the smell of coffee became as his ears were filled with the sound of the shrill crackling of the coffee machine became more apparent.

     Neil was soon met with a light weight that rested on his right shoulder, Todd's face buried in the crook of his neck, a small tuff of soft curls tickling his dark skin. Todd wrapped his arms around Neil's shirtless waist, the warmth of his arms differed from the cool of Neil's bare skin.

     "Morning Sleepyhead, did you sleep well?" Neil muttered, his raspy morning voice shining through his barley legible words. Todd meekly mumbled a 'good' in reply, although Neil could tell that Todd didn't get a decent amount of sleep. A soft smile developed on Neil's face as he gazed down at his boyfriend's sleep deprived, freckled face, his eyes, the same color as the coffee Neil made every morning, were closed shut behind those circular glass lenses. The heat of each soft breath could be felt against the bare skin of Neil's shoulder and neck, as a light blush surfaced onto his equally tired appearing face.

     "Would you like a bit of coffee to help wake you up a bit?" Neil said gently after a short moment.
     "Yeah, sure.." Todd replied in his quiet, drowsy voice as he slowly lifted his head up and let go of Neil's body. The half & half creamer and milk were already sitting on the counter, so Todd simply mixed in his preferred amount of each into the mug of coffee Neil had poured for him before hand. Todd then let the cup of coffee sit on the counter as it cooled down a bit while Neil sipped at his black coffee. After just a moment of silence, Todd gently grabbed Neil's face, his sleepy eyes staring into his boyfriend's for a few seconds, before closing his eyes, pulling him into a soft kiss. Neil leaned into Todd's touch, returning the kiss, his hands resting on Todd's shoulders. Todd smiled, Neil's lips tasted like coffee.
     As their lips separated, Todd muttered, "I love you Neil."
"Love you too hun."

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