Sleep Over?

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Cody gave me his address and I walked to his house. As I arrived I knocked at his door, he opened the door and smiled at me, I looked around his cozy house and we headed up to his room as he started explaining to me what they did last year, they ended up just having a huge space unit and wanted us to make a diagram of space, so it was pretty simple. Cody looked stumped for a second until asking me

"Can you draw?"

"Uhm, Kinda"

I shrugged and started drawing out what Cody described, he was quite good at describing I guess because when I was finished he exclaimed

"Yes! That's exactly what I imagined!"

I smiled and Cody started naming the planets and there climate and shit, I wasn't a dumbass so I already knew all that shit but I didn't mind listening to Cody, I ended up listening to Cody for 3 hours straight because it was already 7 and it was getting dark, Cody looked at me and asked

"You can stay for a sleep over if you would like my dad ain't home so it shouldn't be a problem"

I smiled and said


I chuckled in my head he still says "Sleep Overs" god he was such a dweeb. I texted my mom that was staying over and of course she didn't care she calls her self "the cool mom" for a reason. Cody gave me extra pajamas and made a small bed on the floor for me, he looked at me and asked

"Wanna watch a movie?"

I nodded and he decided to let me choose, I chose SAW since it was quite a good movie and he probally liked it too. I sat on Cody's bed as he sat beside me, I turned on the movie and yawned and forgot I brought Cody candy, I grabbed my backpack and pulled out the gummies and handed it to him saying,

"Thanks for letting me come over this is the least I can do"

I handed him the gummies as his eyes lit up with joy, he thanked me by hugging me and we continued watching the movie. The reverse bear trap scene came up and I could feel Cody flinch every slight movement in the movie, maybe he hasn't watched saw before I could also feel Cody clenching onto my arm, god he was such a pussy.

As the movie ended I was gonna say goodnight to Cody until I realized he was asleep, like in class when he was asleep he was cute as fuck. NOAH WHAT THE FUCK! I slapped my self, I keep calling this boy cute and I barley know him, I'm just gonna go to bed. I was about to stand up until Cody moved his head onto my lap, of course he wasn't meaning to do this and he was asleep but god this made me feel warm of embarasment, I think. I moved Cody off my lap and tucked him into his bed and moved to my bed on the floor, I started reading until I could constantly be hearing Cody's phone go off I wasn't meaning to be a nosy little bitch but I was curious why he was getting so much notifcations, I opened his phone easily since it didn't have a fucking lock for some reason and saw a boy named "Duncan" was messaging him some weird ass death threats and shit, I regonize that name he was a guy who was in band class with me, and he really fucking hated Cody because I think he wanted to fight Cody. I placed Cody's phone down and went to sleep.



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