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I got out of bed and got changed, I looked at Cody as he slept, I guess he sleeps in a lot. I walked out of my house and went to meet up with Bowie. As I arrived at the location we wanted to meet up I saw Bowie with his boyfriend Raj, they were a perfect a couple I wish I had something like that. Bowie saw me and ran up to me and hugged me Raj came up and said hi too, Me Bowie and Raj sat at a picnic table Bowie was a excellent listening I took deep breathe in and said

"I think I like somebody a boy to be specific, but we have known each other for not long and I'm not sure he likes boys"

Bowie smiled at me and asked 


N-: "Cody Anderson"

Bowie giggled

B-: "Cody J Anderson? Seriously? that mans gayer then me! You should totally shoot your shot!"

I smiled 

N-: "How though?"

Bowie explained to me how I should ask him out to a restaurant or something and if he likes me he'll say its a date! I walked home after the conversation with Bowie it made me feel a bit better.  I walked back to my house I assumed Cody was still there, but he wasn't mom told that he went with a spanish guy some were, why didn't he tell me? I mean I didn't tell him I was with bowie I mean, Cody and him were close right? They do talk alot in class, what is this feeling, I feel mad. Am I jealous? I layed in bed looking at Cody's instagram story he was with Alejandro they were close to eachother they were'nt a thing? Right? Cody would tell me? My mind was racing for no reason because a half and hour later Cody knocked on my door, I opened it and he hugged me 

C: "Sorry Noah I didn't tell you I went out!"

N: "Oh It's fine"

I led him in the house and we ate dinner, Cody was so fucking cute he was cute when he slept talked ate anything. I'm gonna ask him, his sexuality I don't care if its weird. We headed up to my room and we sat on my bed, I looked at him and asked 

N: "Can I ask you something?"

C: "Sure what?"

N:"Whats your sexuality?"

Cody paused

C: "You'll Judge me."

I frowned

N: "No I wont"

C: "I'm Bisexual"

I smiled

N: "Cool"

C: "Cool"

We sat in silence for a bit but no akward silence it was comforting silence? if that's a thing my face turned red I wanted to kiss him but held back. I looked at Cody 

N: "Sooo..Wanna go to the movies some time?"

Cody's face turned red

C: "Sure!" he stuttered

N: "Cool"

Cody smiled and layed down I layed beside him we looked at eachother eyes for a few seconds before Cody turned red and basically shouted


he was so cute. But I couldn't kiss him yet. Soon. I turned on a random ass movie and watched it with Cody I was watching peacefully until I felt Cody slip his hand onto mine I blushed and smiled at him but I couldn't belive he would like anyone like me right?


Within My Heart |A NOCO FANFICTION|Where stories live. Discover now