Holy Shit.

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I woke up hearing Cody's loud ass typing sound, I looked up at him as he looked frustrated I assumed he was responding to Duncan's lame ass threats, Cody looked at me and smiled at me with the stupid gap in his teeth and said 

"Good Morning Noah!"

I smiled and yawned and said

"Good Morning Gap"

Cody rolled his eyes at me and went to the bathroom to get dressed, I got dressed into some clothes Cody let me borrow, his fashion taste was kinda like mine but with lighter colors witch I didn't mind. I went down stairs to see Cody already placing breakfast on the table, I ate the breakfast and fuck, my taste buds were almost blessed to eat that type of food, usually I eat fancy ass breakfast's and dinners but having something greasy for once made me feel amazing. Cody placed my dish in the sink and led me outside, I assumed we were gonna walk but he went to the back of his house and showed me a white motor bike.

He pushed the hair out of my face and placed a black helmet on my head and chuckled. We both got on to the bike and he looked at me and asked

"Ever Motor Cycled?"

"Nope because my mom says its too dangerous" I muttered.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, he started up the motor bike and god that the bike was fast, even with a helmet on I could feel the wind blowing in my hair, and I must've been holding onto Cody for dear life. Me and Cody got off the bike and walked over to the school door's as Cody talked about how "Scary the saw movie was" I personally don't find it that scary but I guess Cody is just a little pussy. I walked to our first class with Cody and took a seat but I noticed Cody began to get nervous? It was probally nothing. As the bell rang for second period me and Cody walked to class together but I can tell he was getting more nervous I was confused.

Then lunch break came, I was chilling in the libary reading until I got a notifcation from Owen's Instagram story. Cody was fighting Duncan, Shit. I ran out of the libary to the back of the school I saw a big crowd and tryed getting through it until I saw Cody. Cody was on top of Duncan punching him in the face a bunch of time, holy shit he might look like a twig but he could fight? That's hot- NOAH WHAT THE FUCK! 

As the teachers came out to stop the fight I grabbed Cody's hand and started walking to his house with him, Cody did win the fight but fuck his face was messed up, bloody nose bruises etc. I opened Cody's door and brang him to his couch, I went to the bathroom to find wound cleaner and goz. I went to see Cody asleep, and like always I fucking thought about how cute he was. I cleaned Cody's bloody nose and disinfected his wound's on his face placeing bandades on the ones I could. I sat next to Cody on the couch and read until he woke up, he looked at me and felt his face, he asked

"Oh! Did you help my face? Thanks!"

I smiled at him and yawned

"We should go back to school lunch break is almost over" I assured

Cody groaned 

"I don't wannaaaa"

I yawned

"Then you can stay I'm going"

Cody stood up and almost shouted

"Wait! Stay here!"

I looked at him confused, I wasn't gonna skip school for a teenage boy who can take care of himself!

I stayed. I ended up reading on the couch while Cody was doing his own thing until he leaned on my shoulder and asked 

"watcha reading?"

I looked at him before pointing out the book cover, Cody rolled his eyes and groaned

"I'm so bored"

I shrugged and was about to continue reading my book until Cody rested his head on my shoulder and turned on the tv. I could feel my face warm up I must be a little sick I feel to warm. Cody ended up putting on a weird ass children's show, he's so stupid and childish but can beat the schools mega ass-hole in a fight? God he was confusing and cute.



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