Chapter 29 - The Fiance

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I stared blankly at the dress I'll be wearing tonight. If it wasn't Ashley's big night, I wouldn't be doing such effort of dressing up and letting the hairdresser mess up with my hair, putting it in a pink headdress matching my light pink dress, and having the makeup artist put a very thin layer of makeup on my face. Anyway, I'll be removing those during the party which will start within two hours so it wouldn't be long to take.

And that would be just a small thing compared to what I've done to pair Ashley with Greg. At first, I was really thinking that I did the right thing coz I really kept Dustin's interest away from Ashley, but as days passed, things have gotten bigger and even more seriously complicated. Greg just got out of the picture, probably because of Dustin being Ashley's escort for tonight. I didn't expect his reaction to be like that as much as how I never expected Dustin to introduce me as his girlfriend to Georgia and his Mum that morning when they caught us in my room, details already buried on the most hidden part of my mind. It was surprising as well that Georgia didn't even reacted when she learned about me and Dustin, and that was a very weird behavior coz as far as I could remember, my Mum's sister was a control freak. I don't believe that she has nothing to do with Diana spreading the invitation for Ashley's grand debut party to everyone who they think fits to their circle. That was another shocking surprise that morning. I had to assure Ashley that I had no issue with Dustin being her 'Prince Charming' tonight so that her Fairy Tale inspired party which was planned three months ago with Tracy and Diana that she can't almost remember all the details because she never expected it to happen. She even insisted on making me participate in her grand cotillion but there is no way that I would wear any of those Disney Princess' inspired gowns. I am not fitted to be a princess and I don't have any fairy tale to fit in.

Of course, except The Ugly Duckling.

"Ms. Elyzabeth, the orchestra was asking what song you will perform tonight."

Oh, yeah, that was my participation tonight in addition to helping in taste testing of the cakes and other food that would be served in the party, I will sing. I tried to refuse coz I don't like being exposed to such gathering again and I hate the spotlight but Ashley was so persistent in insisting so what can I do. It's her big night and I can't ruin it. The fact that Tracy was back on the crowd just proves how positive my dear cousin was of her dream birthday party. I think I will try to endure everything tonight just to grant her wish and I won't allow anyone ruin tonight.

"Just tell them that I can manage, I will just play the piano or the guitar, no need to worry, thank you."

Once I was alone in my own dressing room, coz I am highly allergic to make up, perfume and other smell and Georgia had to lend me her makeup which was done exclusively for her coz she has the same allergies as mine, I grabbed my earbuds and closed my eyes while thinking of the best song to sing tonight. There are a number of messages and missed calls on my phone but I did not bother to check them. I want to spend the hour alone, stress free. Suddenly, I felt two arms wound on my shoulders from behind and before I could react, the owner of the arms wrapping around me even tighter swiftly removed the clogs on my ears then whispered.

"I miss you babe."

Goosebumps all over.

I gasped while I turned to face him which was a bad move coz he didn't move, making our faces almost touching. I felt myself pinned between the big chair infront of the mirror and the guy who made my bones felt like melting. "D-Dustin!"

He gave a very handsome smirk and didn't even care to move away so I had to lean back uneasily to give our faces a decent distance. I thought I was going to fall back but his hands were fast and steadied me in an even more uncomfortable position. Now this is even more awkward. I could smell his perfume, his breath, his shampoo and everything and they sent my heartbeat to maximum rate. I turned my face to the right, closed my eyes and took a breath to bring back composure, which obviously can't return with him this close. "Please move away, somebody might get inside and I don't wanna be caught in an awkward situation because of you... again..." I felt him pull himself so I finally breathe freely so I had the courage to open my eyes and faced him. He stepped backwards twice but he didn't free my arm so I frowned at him and saw the naughty smile which sends my brain a million warnings. "No, don't---"

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