Epilogue/In The End

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Sauron had won.
All at the Black Gate who opposed him were killed or enslaved.
Sauron rose to power once more.
Indeed Saruman and Grima succeeded in bringing together forces to fight for Sauron, and they had brought ruin to the Shire.
Gandalf knew that he had failed his mission.
In the end, the forces of Middle Earth had shown Sauron that they would not be taken lightly or without a fight.

Gandalf stood at the harbor, and some were with him. All in Rivendell, Mirkwood, and even Lothlorien had resisted capture and came with Gandalf to the harbor. They would not sail into the West.
"I suppose they will come for us at any moment," said Lord Elrond, holding an Elvish blade and sighing.
Bilbo was crying.
When he heard the news, he'd blamed himself for Frodo's demise and finding the Ring in the first place.
Lady Galadriel looked at Middle Earth in sorrow.
In the distance, trumpets sounded and metal clanged. They all knew that a group of Uruk Hai sent by Saruman was close.
In Gandalf's last moments, he looked into the West and was amazed by what he saw.
Great white ships.
He knew that the Valar had come. They would not abandon Middle Earth to darkness.
He knew that Sauron could have his One Ring, but the might of the Valar would overwhelm him eventually, and peace would be brought back to Middle Earth once more.
In the end, it's truly loyalty and faith that shines out above all darkness.

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