Chapter 2

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"Well we can try to send you back." Midna said.

"How?" Linkette asked. "You saw me play the song that sent us here again while telling you what happened. It didn't do anything."

"True," Saria sighed as they thought.

"Well I might have a solution," Midna said nervously, getting the others attention. "Since the Ocarina was originally a treasure of the Royal Family, we might be able to get the Princess Zelda of our time to help."

"How?" Twila asked with a tilted head. "The only way to the realm of light is through the Mirror of Twilight, which you destroyed."

"There is another way," Midna admitted to a gasp of shock, "when the Mirror of Twilight was originally forged, there was an extra piece forged into a Mirror Shield that could absorb, energy and launch it as an attack, absorb items to hold later, force things into their true form, but the most useful ability in this situation is the ability to open portals between the realm of light, and the Realm of Twilight."

"Why have I never heard of that before?" Twila asked.

"Because," Midna said, "It caused a lot of infighting and was sealed away in a temple that only a child can fit inside. The three of you are barely small enough to fit. Though my imp form can as well, though I wish I didn't need to use it. I don't like feeling like that."

"So your imp form is smaller like my fairy form?" Linkette asked, trying to change the topic after the awkward silence.

"You have a fairy form?" Twila asked.

"Yes," Linkette replied, "It is an ability that was given to me by the Great Fairy of Clocktown."

"Larger," Midna said, getting them back on track. "Thankfully, now because of the temple size, you will need to clear it with help from my imp form."

"Can I help?" Twila asked, causing Midna to pause.

"If you get your caretaker's permission," Midna said, "go ask, and if she says yes, meet us by the front gate in an hour."

"Okay," Twila said running off.

An hour later, Linkette, Saria, Ember, Tatl, and Midna were by the front gate, and just about to leave without Twila when she showed up with a smile.

"She said it would bring great honor to help a hero, so I can help." Twila said smiling.

"Okay then, let's go." Midna said. "Hope none of you are scared of heights."

"Did you forget we love to climb trees?" Saria asked, motioning to herself and Linkette.

"Or that we can fly?" Ember and Tatl said.

"Or that I can become a fairy?" Linkette said turning into Luna.

"So pretty!" Twila said, causing Luna to look at her and freeze.

"Luna?" Saria asked, noticing she appeared to be in a trance.

Luna didn't answer.

"Is she ok?" Midna questioned, blinking and staring at the small fairy with a worried expression.

Saria frowned and turned back to face her friend.

"Luna? Luna?" Saria kept calling out her friends name as she poked her tentatively.

"Come on Luna!" Saria cried out desperately. "Please answer me!"

After a few more moments of tense silence, Luna's small form moved, flying closer to Twila and after circling her, and making Ember gasp in shock she finally spoke.

"Huh?" she shook herself and landed to rest on Twila's head.

"Sorry everyone," she quietly apologized.

Saria sighed softly and gave her friend a small smile.

"It's ok Luna," she replied quietly. "Just please don't scare me like that ever again."

"What happened?" Midna asked the small fairy. "And why were you staring at Twila like that, before circling her?"

Luna's light dimmed for a few seconds before it went back to normal.

"I-I don't know," she replied truthfully.

"Hey Ember?" Luna turned to the orange-colored fairy. "Do you know why that happened?"

"Yes I do," she replied after a few moments of silence. "What happened was your instinct to protect a child must've kicked in."

Tatl, Midna, Twila, and even Saria looked confused at what her fairy had just told them.

"What are you talking about?" Saria asked her fairy companion with a questioning look on her face.

Ember was silent for a moment after Saria had asked that question, before she spoke.

"All fairies care for children," Ember finally explained. "However, if they have the blood of the Kokori, which by the way is rare since it would require the kokori giving up their immortality in order to age enough to have children, then it is much more powerful."

"Powerful?" Luna asked, "And what does it have to do with why I have the desire to stay with Twila?"

"Yes." Ember said before smiling at Twila. "And one of Twila's ancestors must have been one of those rare kokori. That bloodline, combined with her young age is why what happened, took place. Your fairy instincts could feel that she was a child of kokori blood, and no guardian fairy. You were the only fairy here without a child to be guardian too. Thus your instincts forced you into a trance as you instinctively used your fairy magic to bind yourself to her as guardian fairy."

"What?" the others said in shock.

"That's why she desires to stay with Twila," Ember explained. "Luna's instincts see her as her charge. And thus will have her stay with Twila as long as she is needed, unless leaving will help like with Tatl. Especially since the bond frequently causes the fairy to see the child as their own due to the age."

"So she is my new mom?" Twila asked. "No more staying in the castle orphanage? What about my sister?"

"Orphanage?" Luna said in shock.

"Her parents were killed during the recent trouble," Midna sighed.

"Well..." Ember spoke up. "Her instincts will have her treat your sister as her own as well, but she will always prioritize you."

"We can deal with this later," Midna sighed. "Let's just go deal with getting the Mirror Shield for now."

The rest of them agreed and they set out.

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