Chapter 3

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Midna (in her imp form), Saria, Ember, Tatl, Twila, and Luna were on an island far away from others, with a single small hole in a giant rock wall.

"Here we are," Midna said. "That hole is the entrance to the Temple of Twilight. It is small enough only a child can get in, and was a defensive measure put in place when we were trapped in the Twilight Realm, so our ancestors could not use it, they simply cannot fit. It's been so long who knows what enemies are inside. Be careful."

"Right," Twila said as she held the Twilight Scimitar she was given to fight with, while the rest nodded before they crawled through.

Inside they found a single room with a door at the end, and green glowing Twilight symbols on the walls. While shadow keese flew around. And Shadow Baba Serpents covered the walkway which led partway over a whirlpool made of Dark Fog, and ended at a platform with a orange glowing twilight symbol.

"We need to get to that platform, and hit the orange symbol with Twilight magic, which of us all, I'm the only one that can use." Midna said. "That will take us to the door, one of the two ritual rooms, the mirror is in the second one. Luckily this temple was designed to increase our power, and not as a dungeon, so it will take us straight there."

"I really need to learn," Twila sighed.

"You are not a member of the royal family, so you need to go through puberty to use Twilight magic in the twilight realm without being corrupted. You don't want to become a shadow beast do you?"

"No!" Twila said.

"Shadow Beast?" Saria asked.

"We'll explain later," Midna said as they made their way to the platform, Saria and Twila slashing the Dark Baba Serpents, while Luna hit the Dark Keese with her bow.

Once they made it Midna hit the symbol with a ball of Twilight Magic and led them to the next room.

In that room, they found an old ritual circle in the middle of the floor, with a door on the other side, however as they crossed, a barrier sprang up around them, as a shadow wolfos three times larger then normal appeared.

"That's one of the minor guardians of the temple," Midna gasped. "I'm surprised it is still alive, but look at its eyes, it has gone insane over all this time. We cant reason with it, well have to kill it."

"Right," the others said.

Unfortunately it wasn't that easy it could release energy waves by howling, knocking them back, and its body was covered in dark fog and giving it a ranged attack. Luna and Midna tried to shoot it. But while Midna's Twilight magic could get through, Luna's arrows could not. While there was nothing Saria's magic could do, withering away when it touched the dark fog. It had just knocked Midna down, when Luna heard a set of voices.

"We, the gods of the Twilight, know why you are here. Promise to either return to properly raise Twila and her sister, or take them with you, and we will grant you a weapon that can pierce the protective techniques of both this insane minor guardian, and the insane major guardian guarding the mirror shield." The voice said, getting Luna to agree as she felt the power of another magic arrow fill her. "These are the Arrows of Twilight. They can phase through any defense to deal direct unstoppable damage, and has an additional affect in the World of Light, where it turns those that survives it hit into shadow versions of themself that are destroyed by direct sunlight, but turned back by light magic, if it survives a light magic attack that is. Though they do not work against the undead."

"Thank you," Luna said, shooting the arrow glowing with twilight energy penetrating the howl, and piercing its eyes, causing it enough pain to allow Saria and Twila to get close and attack its tail, which like all Wolfos, was its weak point, destroying it.

The others were surprised by where she had learned the arrows, but continued on with Midna muttering about the Twilight gods always blessing the hero of the world of light, first Link and the Master Sword, now Luna and the arrows. The next room was similar to the first, but Luna could now activate the platform, and they prepared themselves before entering the final room, where they saw the Mirror Shield, on the back wall, with the major guardian in front of it, also insane.

The major guardian was a dragon, similar to Volvagia, but with the scales producing dark fog. Luckily the Twilight Arrows, easily got passed the scales, and causing the dragon to focus on Luna, allowing Midna to charge a powerful attack that destroyed it, after Luna tricked it into crashing into the wall.

After retrieving the shield, they returned to the palace, deciding to leave in the morning. They spent the rest of the night with Luna getting to know her new daughters, Twila and Midnight, with Midnight teasing if Saria was a second mother when she saw her looking at Linkette when they showed Midnight. They both blushed with Linkette hiding as Luna, but did not agree or deny, just muttered that they would see. They then distracted them by telling their story, with Midna then telling the story of the Hero of Twilight, before they went to bed. Twila and Midnight, at Midnight's insistence, sleeping between, Saria and Linkette, who had their arms around each other, both thinking it was nice, while Ember, and Tatl slept on a pillow on the desk, and Midna in her own room and waited for the next day.

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