Chapter 5

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It took awhile, but eventually they got to the castle where upon noticing Midna, the Twilight Princess immediately led the group to Princess Zelda. Upon seeing them, then immediately turned to face one of her guards who were right outside the princess's private chambers.

"Please bring Layla, Ookami, Yuki, Hina, and Niko here to the Throne Room." The dark-haired royal told the guard standing close by. At seeing his confused look, Zelda quickly explained. "Yes, I know that it's Layla's day off, but they will want to be here for this meeting. They should be out in the fields. It might take awhile to find them so you should get busy." Zelda said and the guard nodded and left to do what the princess had told him to do.

"Hello, Princess Zelda," Midna said. "We need your help so we came. Also, when we did discover that Link had gone missing and you know what happened to him. We would like to know as well."

"You'll get your answers to what happened to Link in a little while," Zelda said, "I'm hoping you take them back with you."

"Them?" Saria asked, causing Zelda to look at her and gasp.

"Wow! You look just like the pictures of the Forest Sage, Saria," Zelda said, blinking and staring at Saria with wide eyes.

Linkette laughed quietly and intwined her hand with Saria's, causing the green-haired girl to blush and smile shyly up at Princess Zelda.

"So, you two are together?" the dark-haired girl inquired with a raised eyebrow and a gentle smile crossing her features.

Saria and Linkette both blushed and Linkette tried again to hide as Luna. "You can become a fairy too?" Luna nodded and turned back into Linkette, pink still dusting her cheeks.

"She is," Midnight said with a small smile directed at both Saria and Linkette. "And yes, yes they are together." After the younger twili spoke those words, they then explained to Zelda what had happened and why they needed her help.

"Well that's easy enough," Zelda told them while glancing at the blue ocarina in the younger girl's hands, "just play the song backwards to go back. But first, you need to know where the Zora eggs are. I remember reading in our history books about the hero of time (though it never mentioned becoming a girl) saving termina that 4 of the eggs are in the Pirates Fortress guarded by Gerudo. The last 3 are in Pinacle Rock guarded by underwater Deep Pythons. You will need a way to breathe underwater and a golden Seahorse to guide you to those. I wish you luck. Oh, and Midna, would you please stay a few moments longer? There are some things that you need to know."

"Thank you!" they all said in unison and Linkette played the song backwards. And in a flash of blinding blueish-white light, Linkette, Saria, Tatl, Ember, Twila, and Midnight disappeared back to Termina as five wolves walked into the room. One that Midna recognized as Wolf Link. A wolf pup with black fur with light gray patches and yellow eyes, a wolf pup with white and gray fur with deep blue eyes, a wolf pup with pale grey fur with tufts of black fur near her paws and neck with bright yellow eyes, and a wolf pup with white fur with black tufts of fur near her paws and neck with neon yellow eyes.

"Link?" Midna asked, confused as all five turned back to human.

The black wolf pup turned into a human with jet-black hair with streaks of orange with pale blue eyes, the white wolf pup turned into a human with dark scarlet hair with piercing green eyes, the grey wolf turned into a human with navy hair with streaks of scarlet and red-brown eyes. And the white with black tufts wolf pup turned into a human with ebony-colored hair and Violet eyes All 4 with very pale skin, and female.

It was Wolf Link's human form that was the most surprising. It looked like an older version of Linkette except with dark blond, almost brown-colored hair and dark blue eyes instead of the bright, piercing hazel green color that Linkette had had upon being transformed into a girl.

"Link?" Midna asked, still a bit confused about why her friend (and lover) was now an older version of the hero of time now known as (the heroin of time). Link tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at her long-time traveling companion.

"My name's not Link anymore Midna!" she told her with a small laugh and a cheeky grin on her face.

One of the children blinked and stared at her with a bit of suspicion and curiosity shimmering in her bright blue eyes.

"Who is she mama?" the girl inquired with a tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow.

Layla smiled and gently patted the young girl's head with a gloved hand. "This is my friend who helped me rid Hyrule of both the twilight and both Zant and Ganon."

"Yeah, and who were those four other girls? And what were those two floating balls of light?" one of the other girls chimed in from beside Zelda. "She has funny markings on her face just like those two younger girls did."

The dark-haired girl next to Zelda glared at her sister and nudged her in the side with her elbow. "Hey, be nice to mama's friend Kami!" she hissed into her ear. "We were raised better than that."

Layla laughed and ruffled the two girl's hair with a playful gleam in her eyes. "Hey, be nice, Ookami, and Yuki, don't play rough with your sister," she replied sternly but not unkindly. "And yes, Yuki is correct. Midna is an old friend of mine."

Speaking of Midna, Layla turned back to face her oldest and dearest friend. "What's wrong?" she asked in a joking tone. "Cat got your tongue?"

Midna snorted with laughter, "yeah yeah! Whatever you say Lay!" she retorted with a playful glint in her red-orange eyes. "You're too cute for you're own good sometimes! You know that?" Layla blushed and ducked her head in response to Midna's comment.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Midna blinked and tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean that's not your name anymore?" she asked her friend with a raised eyebrow and a small frown forming on her face.

"I go by Layla now," she replied before motioning to the four children, "this is Ookami," she said, motioning to the black haired child. "Yuki." Motioning to the scarlet haired child. "Hina." Motioning to the one with navy hair. "And Niko." Motioning to the one with ebony hair, before looking sheepish. "Girls, this is Midna, she is the one who got me pregnant with the four of you."

"WHAT?" Midna screeched in shock.

"When you broke the Mirror of Twilight the energy had to go somewhere," Zelda explained, "It forced itself into Link turning him into wolf form, which he had never told us was female, and made him pregnant. Since the energy signature was mixed with yours from destroying the Mirror it used you as a template for half the children's DNA, and half from Layla. Making those four your children with Layla. Who refuses to return."

"I went from a boy to secretly a female wolf, to a pregnant female wolf, to giving birth, which caused my human side to become female as well." Layla deadpanned, "there is no way I would live that down if I returned."

"Please take them with you when you return to the Twilight Realm," Zelda sighed turning to Midna, "not only would you be good for each other, and deserve to get to know your children, but when they are not acting as a family, the kids are constantly getting underfoot in both forms, while Layla changes to wolf form and follows me around like a guard wolf."

"If they are willing, I'd be happy to take them with me," Midna said, noticing Layla's smirk, which in turn made her smirk as well. "I'd love to know my children and to see if their mother is worthy of me."

This caused Layla to blush while Zelda groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Just go."

With a laugh, the small group of six used the Mirror Shield that Midna still had to return to the Twilight Realm. It took a few months, but eventually Midna married Layla, who still enjoyed acting like a guard wolf. Though she blushed when Midna managed to create a wolf form for herself a few years later. She returned the favor by acting as Layla's guard wolf. Meanwhile, Ookami, Yuki, Hina, and Niko grew up to be wonderful Twilight Princesses being royal when needed and fun-loving when not. They even found an old loophole that let them share the position ruler of the twilight realm, though Zant had not been eligible for it. And thus they lived happily ever after.

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