This part is a special shoutout to all of my genderqueer readers.
Here is a lil story from my life (I'm being quite personal here rn)
Today was...overwhelming...
At first i talked to a teacher who wants to help me to come out at school. She was so supportive and told me about other supportive teachers i cound talk to.I was so happy, now she doesnt only know, that i'd like to go by Rayne instead of my birthname, she also knows that i am non binary.
I told my English teacher, that i would like him to use they/them pronouns for me in the next break. He also was super supportive <3
Two coming Outs at one day and thats not even everything.
Told my maths teacher, that i'd like to go by "Rayne" at the end of my schoolday. He also reacted so great and didn't make a huge thing out of it.
Then i went to the schools toilet to take of my binder (yk 8h and stuff...take care). There i heard two Girls from my class talking about something. And of course it was me they were talking about. They were kinda making fun of me using a different name. I think its important to show others, that not everything can be allright imedeatly, therefore I am writing this stuff down. Luckly i am a person who doesnt care this much about the opinion of other people, but ik that not everyone is like this. Therefore i am telling you now...there might be some "hate"/transphobic shit but i know you're stronger than that <3
At home my mood was pretty shit.
I thought that i had made a huge mistake by telling my maths teacher my prefered name, and maybe it was. I am not even out to my parents but to a random teacher? Thats weird af!!
Idk why i found it easier to talk to him than to talk to my parents, but thats just the way i feel about it.As i said, i was incredibly unsure, kinda scared of what other classmates would think (yk after the stuff i heard from the two Girls) and also scared, that the maths teacher dude would tell other teacher (or worse, my parents) about my name.
I kinda fixed this by sending him a text on our school webside thingy, where i asked hil to use the name only in our maths lessons.
I have thought about what has happened today a lot and honestly...the longer i thought about it, the happier i got. I know its still super risky to come out at school without your parents knowing anything, but i also had to think about the positive sides.
I will finally be myself!!!
Therefore my genderqueer fellas, i wanna tell you: It's gonna get better and it's gonna be fine!!
This afternoon i was thinking, that everything i've done was a HUGE mistake and now (a few hours later) i am feeling better again.
Maybe tomorrows maths lessons gonna be weird, and maybe i'll have to talk to some confused classmates (and it's gonna be akward af), but hey...that's all part of a coming out.
Also i am definitely not done with outing myself (rn 3 teachers and like ¼ of my class know about my identity). I just dunno...for the moment this is fine and enough ^^
I just wanted to say: Guys, if you're currently coming out, remember, it's gonna get better and its gonna be fine. There will be some obstacles and bishes but there are always supportive people and great friends.
At this part i also wanna make a shoutout: MASSIVE THANK YOU to my friends
ll5lllI love you guys so much!!! ♡
Thanks for always being supportive and encouraging me to talk to some ppl!!Do you want more of my coming out story/stories related to my gender and sexuality?
And what would you have done, if you were me? Take the risk and out yourself at school or be careful, so that your parents wouldnt find out anything?
Anygays guys
Sending much Love from your goblin Internet Ren (nb Version for mom/dad) <333
Your Rayne :)

My Stuff Book
RandomHello Love <3 Das ist jetzt mein persönliches Stuff Book ^^ Es erwartet dich ein bunter Wirrwar aus meinen Gedanken, Interessen, Gayness, random shit und specials ^^ Nimm dir doch einen Keks und eine Tasse Tee und machst dir bequem <3 Remember, ur...