Hello Love <3
Das ist jetzt mein persönliches Stuff Book ^^
Es erwartet dich ein bunter Wirrwar aus meinen Gedanken, Interessen, Gayness, random shit und specials ^^
Nimm dir doch einen Keks und eine Tasse Tee und machst dir bequem <3
Remember, ur...
Its been more than a gookin month without an Update ahhhh!!
Okay so yeah Hi ig :)
How are youu?
What have you been up to lately?
I am planning on doing a little special this month, I'm mot sure if i will do it in this book or maybe even make a new one.
So yeah basically it is about not being so negative about everything and seeing the good things in every day.
So my special will be either a full book or special chapters here, where I challenge you to write down 3 things you've liked about this day. This can be literally everything, like saying "I had a hot chocolate today which I abdolutely loved"
Is this a good idea?
Would you want to participate?
Pls tell me asap so I can set everything up.
Also if I havent said it already HAPPY PRIDE MONTH Y'ALL!!!!
Ohhh Btw I recently made a collage!!
Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.
It's like a get to know me :)
Anygays pls tell me waht you think about this whole thing!