I've been tagged!!

36 10 41

Heyyy <3

Soooo I've been tagged by the wonderful Zwiebelhund and nowww I have to answer some questionsss yayy :D

Imma translate them into English btwww

☆1. Fav Subject☆

German propably or chemistry :)

☆2. Fav Books☆

Uhmmmm...all of my queer Books?
Heartstopper, They Both Die at the End, My Policeman and I wish you all the best hold a special place in my heart <3
Ohhhh Harry Potter and The Hunger Games thoooo!!

☆3. Fav joke☆

Okay okay okay I've learned from the best, the one and only sassmastah from doncastah so imma dedicade this to him!!
Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he was a funghai (fun guy)!!
*badumm tssss*

☆4. Fav Singer☆

Yeah uhm i'll just leave that there

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Yeah uhm i'll just leave that there...

☆5. Fav place☆

With my friendzies <3
At concerts
With my Love (soon ml♡♡)
In da woods?
And in ma bed

☆6. Fav Color☆

Green, White, Orange? (Okay okay I gotta stop with all of those references)
Maybe a pretty green or dark greyish blue or a energetic fellow

☆7. Zodiac sign☆

I'm a Leo (rawr) :)

☆8. Describe yourself☆

Queer mess that is way too obsessed with 1D!!

☆9. What would you take with you to a lonely island?☆

Since there is no limit, I'd take my friendzies, my loverrr, lotsss of food, my house, some good music and ofc my phone :>

☆10. Sweet or salty popcorn?☆

Sweet Popcorn for the winnnnn!!!!

(11 is missing lol)

☆12. Siblings?☆

Yesss I have a younger Sis :)

☆13. Fav Book on Watty☆

Basically everything in my reading list and also the stuffbooks of y'all <33

☆14. Fandoms☆

ONE DIRCETION!!!!!! (+their solos)
Potterverse (especially marauders era)
The Hunger Games
Heartstopper + Osemanverse in general
The Owl House
Carter Kench (a random youtuber)
And so much more I can't remember rn

☆15. Languages?☆

German, English and some Spanish (it's horrible tho)

☆16. Tagging others☆


Yeahhh thats it <3

Hope you had some fun :)

Much Love <3

Your Rayne :)

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