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"We're here," Motaks words rang through the car, narrowing his eyes where the entrance was.

So Mun shivered at the sight, getting a load of flashbacks from years ago. Ms. Chu falling into a coma, and the other three almost dying from their injuries.

Ms. Chu, noticing his discomfort reassured him. "Don't worry, So Mun. We can do it. The four of us are all together now, so we won't fail," She placed her hand on his own.

The younger nodded slowly as everyone got out of the car, hopping out to get a better look of their location.

You can tell it was old by the way there was so much rust everywhere. It smelled like gasoline and it gave Hana a headache. It bothered her, and yet she knew she still had to focus on the job.

Summon the evil spirit once and for all.

As they went in, the counters saw how dark it was inside despite it only being evening. There were alot of items in the building; Barrels, ropes, jugs of god-knows-what, and some..bricks?

Motak saw a piece of cloth on the floor as he was walking, and bent down to pick it up only to drop it down again. "That smell..do you guys recognize it?"

"I thought it was gasoline." Hana said as she wiped her nose. "Is it not?"

"I recognize it," So Mun spoke as she turned her head to face him.

"It smells like bitter almonds,"

Ms. Chu was about to say something to add onto his claim, but she was interrupted by a huge door being slammed behind them.

Everyone turned around, only to find that same clown-like evil spirit they faced with the other day. "Oh, I didn't expect you guys to come that quick," He chuckled.

"So this was a trap?" Motak said exasperated. "Not this shit again,"

"Indeed it was," The evil spirit snapped his fingers, and then a couple seconds later there were thirteen other evil spirits walking into the building.

"So, Woobin," One of the evil spirits broke the silence. "How do we kill them?"

Woobin smirked. "Aim for their eyes. That'll effect their vision,"

So Mun started the fight with using his psychokinesis to throw two bricks at evil spirits, which was more effective then he thought. He knocked both of them down in mere seconds, showing how quantity was fortunately worse then quality. Only, in this context, it was things that could kill them.

Scowling, Hana got the jump on Woobin first. She was able to kick him in the shins before grabbing his hair in an attempt to make him dizzy. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

Instead, he spun around at the perfect time to swing a punch at Hana, successfully hitting her in the face.

She fell down onto the floor, groaning at the pain she felt. She dabbed her hand on his mouth and felt herself bleeding. Already?

Motak went off to fight some other evil spirits with Ms. Chu as the duo grabbed whatever they could to defend themselves.

Grabbing her class metal pole, she whacked two of them in the stomachs as the man punched both of them, letting them fall to the floor.

"Their only level ones," He said as he elbowed one of them. "I guess Woobin lied to them. They are newbies, after all."

The counters were about to summon them, but some other evil spirits came for back up. Motak and Ms. Chu had to chase them to another floor of the warehouse, leaving Hana and So Mun by themselves.

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